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State five ways which the missionaries used to increase African participation in the church in Kenya between 1940 and 1960


State five ways which the missionaries used to increase African participation in the church in Kenya between 1940 and 1960.



Ways through which the missionaries used to increase African participation in the Church in Kenya between 1940 1960.
i. Training of African Church leaders both locally and abroad (St. Pauls theological College, Limuru, St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary).
ii. Appointing African to leadership positions e.g. Catechist/Priest
iii. Establishing local parishes/Dioceses.
iv. Incorporating African culture practices in worship e.g. clamping hands/tunes
v. Adopting African attire e.g. way of dressing by clergy.
vi. Using African architectural styles in the construction of Churches.
vii. Use of African languages in worship/translation of bible into local language
viii. Allowing interaction between of different denominations/ecumenism
ix. Offering special privileges to Church leaders e.g. given a good house.
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 15, 2018 at 18:36

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