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Describe the covenant that was made between God and Abraham


Describe the making of the Covenant between God and Abraham.



- God entered into a covenant with Abraham offer Abraham's persistent requisition of a sign to af?rm the ful?llment of his promises.
- God instructed Abraham to sacri?ce the following animals:
- A heifer 3yrs old
- A she- goat 3 yrs old
- A ram 3yrs old
- A turtle dove
- A young pigeon.
- The sacri?cial animals were without blemish.
• Abraham cut the animals into equal halves and put each half opposite other two making rows.
- The birds were not split.
- Towards evening, Abraham fell into deep sleep and was filled with fear. The Lord appeared to him in a vision and gave him more promises.
- His descendants will be strangers in a foreign land (Egypt) and will be slaves but will leave that land after 400 years. However they will be rescued.
- He will live to a ripe age, die in peace and be buried.
When darkness approached, smoking ?re pot and a ?aming torch suddenly appeared and passed between the peaces of animals. Through this, God made a covenant with Abraham He was the sole maker of the covenant.
-The smoking ?re pot and the ?aming torch manifested the presence of God

joseph rimiru answered the question on January 16, 2018 at 19:08

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