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With reference to the stories of the birth and infancy of Jesus, describe four occasions when the angel of the lord appeared.


With reference to the stories of the birth and infancy of Jesus, describe four occasions when the angel of the lord appeared.



With reference to the stories of the birth and infancy of Jesus, describe four occasions when the angel of the lord appeared.

i. The angel appeared to Mary in Nazareth and told her that she would be pregnant and will give birth to a son who will be called the son of the most high.

ii. The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to take Mary as his wife, when he was contemplating on leaving her when he found out that she was pregnant. The angel told him that she had conceived by the Holy spirit.

iii. After the birth of Jesus, the angel of the lord appeared to the shepherds who were looking after their flocks at night and informed them of the birth of the savior in Bethlehem.

iv. The angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and told him to take Mary and baby Jesus and escape to Egypt because Herod would be looking for the child to kill him.

v. After the death of King Herod the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in Egypt and told him to take Jesus and his mother and return to Israel because Herod who tried to kill the child was dead.
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 16, 2018 at 19:17

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