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Outline seven teachings of St. Paul on the unity of believers as demonstrated in the image of the body Christ


Outline seven teachings of St. Paul on the unity of believers as demonstrated in the image of the body Christ



Outline seven teachings of St. Paul on the unity of believers as demonstrated in the
image of the body Christ
i. The church like human beings, has different parts which work for the total well being of the whole.
ii. Christians are members of one body of Christ through baptism
iii. Christians are members of one body of Christ through being empowered by
one spirit of God
iv. Each member of the body of Christ has a different part to play.
v. It is the will of God for the church to be served in different ways by people with different gifts of the Holy spirit.
vi. The different gifts should be used by the church toglorify God
vii. All members of the church share the same rights and privileges in the body of Christ
viii. Christians should remain united in Christ as they play different roles in the church
ix. Christians should be concerned with their own livesas well as that of fellow believers
x. Christians should have humility, gentleness and patience in order to promote
unity among themselves 1st seven responses
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 16, 2018 at 19:23

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