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Discuss the positive impacts of information technology (IT) in business


Discuss the positive impacts of information technology (IT) in business.



1. Cost cutting : through information technology in the business the traveling cost has been reduced since one can communicate with somebody who is far away from him without him/ her traveling to that geographical area unlike the previously when one had to travel from one geographical area to another thus spending a lot of money.

2. Storing and protecting information: through the introduction of it many offices have found space for expansion since they can store their data in one computer unlike where on office had to store large volumes of file to store data thus limiting space for expansion.

3. Maximizes productivity: since it involves use of new technologies e.g computers. Companies have improved productivity since computers are faster, accurate and can do a lot of tusk at the same time unlike where one had to do all the tasks manually and thus wasting a lot of time through this IT has maximize productivity.

4. Quality: most companies with well equipped facilities of IT e.g computers and printers can be able to produce well printed copies for advertising their products thus quality services to their products thus producing quality services to their customers.

5. Feedback: by the use of IT people can communicate with people who are far away from them and get immediate feedback.

6. Competitive advantaged: organization that have come up with the use of IT gets competitive unlike those that do not use IT technologies to manage their business since computers are much faster and accurate people tend to go for them because they can be served faster.

7. Faster communication: use of information technology in the business fasten communication e.g use of a compute to communicate with somebody who is in one geographical area makes it easy than one traveling to that geographical area making it easy than one traveling to that geographical area this saves time.

8. Work remotely: through connection of internet world wide one can manage his/her business from any place without him/her being forced to go to their work place thus enabling people to work remotely.

9. Time saving: before the introduction of IT people had to travel from one geographical area to another to conduct meeting thus wasting a lot of time during traveling but with the introduction of IT one does no need to travel in order for them to conduct the meeting instead they can conduct the meeting by use of video conferencing thus saving time.

10. Customer relationship: since use of IT in business is much faster and accurate one tends to create relationship among his customers.
wilson atisa answered the question on January 16, 2018 at 19:24

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