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Explain five results of the First World War (1914 – 1918).


Explain five results of the First World War (1914 – 1918).



Many people were killed during the war

Property of great value was destroyed during the course of the war

Economic activities were disrupted/Economic expression

Large sums of money was formed to promote peace over by the League of Nations

The League of Nations were formed to promote peace over by the League of Nations

German’s overseas colonies and investments were taken over by the League of Nations

The size of Germany was reduced by 1/8 Alsace, Loraine, Danzing, Sarar and her population by 6.5 million.

Many people were displaced leading to refugee problems

The political boundary of the Turkish Empire was reduced/ lost Egypt, Syria and Palestine

New Nations were created e.g. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia

The USA emerged as a leading world power

It led to the development of advanced military equipment

It led to the rise of nationalistic feelings among Africans who fought the war

It boosted advancement of surgery

Soldiers contracted and spread diseases

Germany and her allies were forced to pay for damages

Led to mass starvation
johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 17, 2018 at 14:48

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