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Describe Daly's theory on the formation of an atoll.


Describe Daly's theory on the formation of an atoll.



Daly was of the view that rise in the sea level that caused upward growth of coral was due increase in melt water released during the last ice age. During the last ice age, temperatures must have been so low that the coral polyps must have ceased. Also due to the withdraw of water by ice caps and ice sheets, the sea level experienced a global fall. During that time the coral islands in the sea were planned down by marine erosion to the sea level at that time. At the end of the ice age as the temperatures began to rise again, melt water was released filling in the ocean and resulting in a gradual rise in the sea level. The higher temperatures allowed the growth of coral reefs which kept pace with the rising sea level.
Faimus answered the question on January 17, 2018 at 16:40

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