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Describe the two forms of pollutants in details giving at least five examples in each


Describe the two forms of pollutants in details giving at least five examples in each.



The two forms of pollutants are: primary pollutants and secondary pollutants.

Primary pollutants
-Are pollutants introduced directly into the environment from its source.
-Examples of primary pollutants includes the following:
a)Carbon compoundssuch as Carbon dioxide and CO.
b)Nitrogen compounds such as NO.
d)Sulphur compounds
e)Articulate matter.

Secondary pollutants.
-These are pollutants that are not directly emmitted into the environment but are formed when the primary pollutants reacts or interacts.
-Examples of secondary pollutants includes:
a)The ozone.
b)Sulphuric acid droplets.
e)Nitrogen dioxide.
franco crick answered the question on January 20, 2018 at 12:37

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