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a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. THE SMILING FACE Staring at me from the window Down upon my head on the pillow. This legendary...


a) Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Staring at me from the window
Down upon my head on the pillow.
This legendary round cheese
Smiling from the sky with ease
So beautiful, so bright.
Bathing me in such a mellow comforting light.

i) Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem.
ii) If you were to recite the poem, what effect would the rhyme scheme described in (i) above have?

(iii) How would you perform line 5 of this poem?

b) You are giving a talk on the dangers of the HIV/ AIDS pandemic to a group of young people. Your talk centres around what you have seen in the village, the loss of relatives and friends, orphaned children and the general impoverishment of the area. Describe any two possible ways of ending the talk and explain the advantages of each one of them.

c) State whether we have a falling or rising intonation in the following sentences.
i) Who do you think you are?

ii) How did she travel to Nairobi?

iii) I have been working very hard for the coming examination.

iv) Did he go to school in Mombasa
v) Have you ever seen Lake Bogoria?

d) Study the genre below and answer questions that follow. Tenant: What’s the weather like outside? Landlord: Rather like your rent. Tenant: What do you mean. Landlord: Unsettled. i) Classify the genre.

ii) State two functions of the genre above.

State and illustrate three characteristics of the genre.



a) (i) The rhyme scheme of the poem is regular i.e aabbcc
ii) -The poem would be interesting. -The poem would be memorable.

-The rhyming words would create rhythm that would make the poem musical and easy to recite.
(iii) Must give one verbal and one non-verbal cue;

Verbal- say it with a low tone/lower the tone/romantic tone/prolong the words beautiful and bright/pause at the comma½mk

Non-verbal-smiling brightly ½mk

Explanation: To reveal happiness/happy/romantic mood. 1 mark

b) Ways of ending the talk. (5marks)

i. Refer to the introduction. You can complete a story or anecdote you used to introduce the speech. Or you can simply refer to the introduction, whatever form it took

ii. End with a quotation. This lends authority to the speech, demonstrating that respectable people have also talked or written about the subject.

iii. End with a proverb. Proverbs are sayings whose wisdom has stood the test of time. Ending with a proverb is therefore quite effective.

iv. End with a dramatic statement. This might take the form of a sensational revelation about HIV/AIDS.

v. If you started with a startling statistic you could conclude with yet another startling statistic to complement the first one.

c) Stating whether we have a falling or rising intonation in the sentences.

i. falling

ii. falling

ii. falling

iv. rising

v. rising

i. it is a pun

ii. -socialization -entertainment -learning/educational

iii. -ambiguity of the word unsettled

it is humorous

-it is entertaining

-it is hilarious
lydiajane74 answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 07:07

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