In search of employment and other and other opportunities not available in their continent, anti Africans undergo aluminizing conditions as they cross borders, deserts and dangerous water masses to fulfill their dreams of a better life. This is evident in the story “Twilight Trek” by Sif Afa. Content:
(i) The immigrants face discrimination pg 109
- The write points of that the immigrants are illegal not because they do not have enough money to fly overseas: but it is because the foreign embraces do not grant rises to Africans like them.
- Pg 116 –All the immigrants want to do is to work but they cannot because they are black Africans.it is easier for the narrator to venture to the part because he is Mulleto hence no one would suspect he is from polyzamis – black Africa.
(ii) Insecurity
- Page 111 on arrival of the trucks to take them across the Sahara, there is talk that travelers are sometimes attacked by bearded mole’s and bandits; that the trucks often break down and there is no guarantee the gendarmes on petrol will arrive on time to rescue them.
- Page 116, at the camp the narrator is told to prepare for thieves, the Moroccan security forces and look out for common that will take his money.
- Page 109 the narrators fore is hidden in his sneakers and at the camp. Page 116 he falls asleep in his sneakers just in case they got stolen.
(iii) Fear of repatriation
- Before crossing the Sahara, the narrator and other immigrants have to hide in a mod not until night fall for fear of being caught by the security forces page 109.
- Page 121 the immigrants at the camp have to move further into the bush to hide from security forces. They keep moving until the narrator (page 123) is afraid that they might move so far off.
- Obazee used to stay in Tangier in a guest house near petit Sacco but moved to the comp avoid the security forces. If they catch on immigrant, they are with him and send him back to Algeria page 119.
- Obazee has been trying to sneak into Ceuta (just like other immigrants) page 116 but the “guardian civil “keep catching him. The beat time they caught him ,they beat him up thoroughly page 119
- Page 120 one man for Mali who could not afford fore crossed the Sahara on first. It took him several years. The Moroccan security forces told him in Tangier and repatriated him back to the Algerian border and told him to find his way to Gao on first.
- To get right with immigration, some African men marry any sort of woman and are forced to put up with them domineering characters in the name of being liberated women. The very men resist even discipline their children because they are protected by law. They have to put up with a demeaning culture page 114.
- Page 120.The Sierreleonian who swims across the sea is spread repatriation because he has a missing hand which is proof that he was fleeing- civil war.
(iv) Uncertainty - It is never guarantee to get to your destination after paying a samsara. Pg 121.
- The Senegalese woman who could not swim found a samsara to carry her by adignity.The samsara could not get close to the shore for fear of guardian civil catching him hence ordering her to jump out of his dignity into the sea and find her way somehow.
- Page 114 while crossing the Sahara, the narrator passes two trucks almost buried under the sand like giant carcasses and realizes that there is a possibility of not making to Morocco after all.
- Immigrants have been waiting at the camp for many years e.g. Obazee has been at the camp for six years while forms immigrants have been waiting for over ten years, Page 118 .The narrator passes by people singing “When shall I see my home? When shall I see my native land? A pointer to the uncertainty at the end of waiting page 119.
- Page 120 A man from Rwanda with his family arrives in Centa but are kept in detention for months waiting for their Lawyer to prove that they are really from Rwanda (to be accorded asylum)
- Page 113 it is never certain that one will get a good job once they reach the Promised Land. Most end up driving teti cabs guarding building at night, washing dirty plates and toilets seat, sleeping in cold ghettos and streets.
(v) Death.
- A man dies from probably the low temperature or high altitude. He hid himself in the wheel of an airplane that flew overnight to Europe page 110.
- Obazee informs the narrator that crossing the sea by the dinguits is cheaper but the capsize and people have drowned page 119.
- Page 120 the Nigerian woman and her new born baby die in the camp in the forest.
(vi) Exploitation:
- The nasty Tuareg makes the narrator and other immigrants pay him extra. In the middle of the journey through the Sahara, he stops and threatens to leave the immigrants in the desert if they don’t pay him 100 dollars more to continue with the journey page 114
- African women who get overseas and are recognized as domestic servant’s service their masters in bed meaning that they are sexually abused page 114
- The Tuereg do not get the immigrants to Tangier he leaves them at the frost of a mountain’ so the immigrants have to walk to camp in a forest on the mountain where travelers stop Patience that climbing up a mountain is not what she be gained for pills.
(vii) Inhuman conditions:
- The sand is needles in the narrator’s eyes out in his nostrils and cobwebs in his chest. It makes him cough so hard that his head could deforate. Page 112.
- To get to Geo,the narrator has to ride in taxi with wobbly wheels and no doors with ride, in lorries that bounce from one pothole to another, sleep in dirty villages suffer bout of diarrhea and fever. Page 112.
- In the truck everyone is chasing away they split when they crouch, they rack badly, their legs are crumpled, the man in the stalk caps says he is suffering from piles because of the constent joints page 112.
- The camp strikes. It stinks like an open sewest.People stink since they live in deep rot. The narrator equally stinks since he is in a shirt that does not see soap since before he got Gao page 115.
- People in the camp are like refugees on televisions squatting, crotching under plastic sheets. They are coughing, scratching and slapping their arms and legs because of being bitten by fleas. Expect ant 4 well developed points. Mark 3:3:3:3=12 marks.
Conclusion: Immigrants in Twilight Trek are so dehumanized that they lose their identity as human beings.
- Accept any other valid conclusion.(2mks)
- Grammar and presentation -4 marks
lydiajane74 answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 07:24
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write an essay to support this statement.
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Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."
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When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in...(Solved)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in the horizon
When he was here,
We joke and laughed together
And no fleeting shadow of a ghost
Ever crossed our paths
Day by day we lived
On this side of the mist
And there was never a sign
That his hours were running fast
When he was gone,
Through glazed eyes we searched
Beyond the mist and shadows
For we couldn’t believe he was nowhere
We couldn’t believe he was dead
(Laban Erapu)
a)What is the message of this poem?
b)Comment on the use of repetition in line 1 of stanza 1 and 2
c)What is the significance of the last line of poem?
d)What would the persona miss in his friend’s absence?
e)Describe the mood of this poem
f)Paraphrase the following line: Through glazed eyes we searched
g)Which two lines in the poem show that the persona has nostaligic tone?
h)Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.
•And there was never a sign: that his hours were running fast.
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