The Novel (20 marks)
The introduction could be general or specific or both to earn full marks. Amusing or funny incidences and utterances always embellish pieces of art and add to the aesthetics of our otherwise boring and monotonous lifestyles. Nani Flowers is a typical example of the comic relief that a character can breathe into the tense moments of The Whale Rider.
Nani Flowers constantly threatens her husband with divorce that never occurs.
She is angered by Koro Apirana’s refusal to accept Kahu as heir to Prourangi because she is a girl. She vents her anger on the dough she is preparing to bake bread, pummeling it, prodding it, stretching it, and strangling it. This misplacement of anger is laughable.
Her appearance at Kahu’s school breakup ceremony is funny. She wears clothes with many colours and her hat has to be modified with feathers by Kahu to make it less ridiculous.
When Koro Apirana learns that Poprourangi has got a baby girl as his first child, he is so incensed that he rows out to sea to sulk. Nani Flowers shouts endearments at him and takes a motorboat in hot pursuit. They yell at each other wile in the sea, Following each other from one location to another in the bay. The old man gives up. She ties his boat to hers and pulls him to the beach. – whether he likes it or not. The boys are left in stitches. Accept any other relevant & well explained illustration. Conclusion Nani Flowers proves beyond doubt that explosive situations can skillfully be diffused by injecting a little humour, especially in her interactions with her husband, Koro Apirana.
The conclusion may be a recap of the major points or an own opinion tying the discussion.
Mark allocation Introduction: contextual or general if relevant 2 marks
mark any 4 illustrated points 3 : 3: 3: 3 = 12 marks
steve williams answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 09:36
- Betrayal in the City – Francis Imbuga. What goes around comes around. Write an essay illustrating his statement drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in...(Solved)
Betrayal in the City – Francis Imbuga. What goes around comes around. Write an essay illustrating his statement drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
“The natural and the supernatural are in mutual co-existence”. Drawing your evidence from the novel The Whale Rider, Write an essay...(Solved)
Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
“The natural and the supernatural are in mutual co-existence”. Drawing your evidence from the novel The Whale Rider, Write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
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Drama Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City
“Boss is not to blame for all the ills in his government”. With close reference to the text, write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- The short story Emilia Ilieva and Waveney Olembo (Ed.), When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories.
With illustrations from Sandisile Tshuma’s story Arrested Development, write...(Solved)
The short story Emilia Ilieva and Waveney Olembo (Ed.), When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories.
With illustrations from Sandisile Tshuma’s story Arrested Development, write an essay on the problems people face in a poorly managed country.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
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Materialism breeds all forms of evils in the society. With close reference to Bertolt Bretch’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay in support of this assertion.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
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Drama Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City.
“Corruption can kill a nation” With close reference to Francis Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City; show the truth of the statement.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- When the Sun Goes down and other stories?
“The search for the ‘Promised Land “by Migrants from Africa may not be worth the effort”(Solved)
When the Sun Goes down and other stories
“The search for the ‘Promised Land “by Migrants from Africa may not be worth the effort”
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
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Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle
“Life can present us with many unexpected outcomes, the Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht with reference to the career of Judge Azdok in the play the Caucasian,
write an essay to support this statement.
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Date posted: January 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- When writers settle to communicate ,they not only need to give the story but also spice it up artistically.Oral tradition is one way of achieving...(Solved)
When writers settle to communicate ,they not only need to give the story but also spice it up artistically.Oral tradition is one way of achieving the artistic touch.In the River and the Source,this is effectively used as sayings,songs and narratives. With illustrations from the River and the source justify this statement.
Date posted: January 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- The author Margaret Ogola has effectively used oral tradition as a style. With illustrations from the River and the source,validate this statement.(Solved)
The author Margaret Ogola has effectively used oral tradition as a style.With illustrations from the River and the source,validate this statement.
Date posted: January 19, 2018. Answers (1)
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'Adzak's reign as a judge can be described as most controversial."Discuss this in the light of the unfolding events in Bertolt Bretch's play "The caucasian Chalk Circle."
Date posted: January 10, 2018. Answers (1)
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Discuss the effects of superstition in human life. Base your illustrations on the 'River and the source' by Margaret Ogola.
Date posted: January 10, 2018. Answers (1)
- How appropriate is Koro Apirana's description as an old whale stranded in an alien present?Justify your argument by giving relevant illustrations from the novel "The...(Solved)
How appropriate is Koro Apirana's description as an old whale stranded in an alien present?Justify your argument by giving relevant illustrations from the novel "The Whale Rider."
Date posted: January 10, 2018. Answers (1)
- "Too much of something can be poisonous."
Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."(Solved)
"Too much of something can be poisonous."
Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."
Date posted: January 10, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in...(Solved)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in the horizon
When he was here,
We joke and laughed together
And no fleeting shadow of a ghost
Ever crossed our paths
Day by day we lived
On this side of the mist
And there was never a sign
That his hours were running fast
When he was gone,
Through glazed eyes we searched
Beyond the mist and shadows
For we couldn’t believe he was nowhere
We couldn’t believe he was dead
(Laban Erapu)
a)What is the message of this poem?
b)Comment on the use of repetition in line 1 of stanza 1 and 2
c)What is the significance of the last line of poem?
d)What would the persona miss in his friend’s absence?
e)Describe the mood of this poem
f)Paraphrase the following line: Through glazed eyes we searched
g)Which two lines in the poem show that the persona has nostaligic tone?
h)Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.
•And there was never a sign: that his hours were running fast.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the use of satire in Witi Ihimaera's "The Whale Rider."(Solved)
Discuss the use of satire in Witi Ihimaera's "The Whale Rider."
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
- The society depicted in Grace Ogot's "The Bamboo Hut" is chauvinistic.Support this assertion basing your argument on the story.(Solved)
The society depicted in Grace Ogot's "The Bamboo Hut" is chauvinistic.Support this assertion basing your argument on the story.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
- The author of the story "The Bamboo Hut" portrays a community that is rich in traditions.Using illustrations from the story,justify this statement.(Solved)
The author of the story "The Bamboo Hut" portrays a community that is rich in traditions.Using illustrations from the story,justify this statement.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the use of satire in the story "The Retraction."(Solved)
Discuss the use of satire in the story "The Retraction."
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)