The River begins from its source and flows to the mouth. As it does so, sometimes it faces threats of extinction, it can disappear underground only to resurface later- the seasonal rivers. In the River and the source, Akoko’s lineage faces problems of disappearance but gains momentum in Elizabeth Awiti’s children. Through Awiti, the stream that was almost at the point of drying up gathers momentum, and pans out into a full river.
Note: the candidate should show the understanding of the question.
Accept any other relevant introduction. (2 marks)
Points of interpretation
RI Akoko gets sick at infancy.
When Akoko was two weeks old she developed a prolonged bout of colic. Everybody in the home became worried “Now why would such a little baby, the only daughter of great a chief cry so bitterly/ pg 12. Her father hung around in a rather unchiefly manner, probably afraid that his spring would dry up before it had really begun. Pg 12.
RII Obura’s death.
Obura was Akoko’s first born child and was next in line for the chieftaincy pg 49. He runs a way from home to “see the world”
“But father!...I feel it would be better for me to go out and see the world before I settle down! Pg 51. Pgs 52-53.
Obura dies in the world war fighting alongside the German’s in Tanganyika. “They went to fight the Jo-Jerman’s in a place called Tanganyika, a country of black people raced by Jo-jerman-of the three only Nyaroche Silwal survived..” pgs 60-61. In this way the River is threatened with extinction.
RIII Nyabera’s misfortunes.
Nyabera, one of the only two surviving children gives hope to the family. She gets married at the age of ninenteen (19) and gives birth to children who don’t survive; they die pg 67. “ The baby did very well for the first six months......the third child was also a boy who though sickly was still hanging on to life... “pg 67”.Her husband dies and she is inherited by Onpoma Kwach, they’ve two children but they both die. This threatens the river for it might dry up but safe for Awiti who defies all odds and survives pg 99.
RVI Awiti’s miscarriage.
It was her first pregnancy. Her mother – in – law complained.
RVII Peter Owour Kembo joins priesthood.
This meant that he would not marry and therefore not get children.
RIV Owang’o Sino’s death.
Owang’o, the only hope of the mother, takes over the chief’s stool after his father’s death. Unfortunately he chokes while eating a meal of ugali and fish; dashing the hopes of the river to freely flow. Pgs 70-71.
RV Akoko’s rate of giving birth.
Akoko’s married life wasn’t as cosy as it was supposed to be. Her mother in-law was pressuring her son to get a another wife.”..the chief was under pressure to marry another wife, especially form his mother “pg 30,34. Akoko was accused of witchcraft and standing on her husband’s way to marry another wife. This makes her to go back to her people in Yimbo” pg 35-37.
The slow rate of giving birth is a challenge to the free flow of the river.
Conclusion; Accept any other relevant point.
Its true that the river faces so many challenges as illustrated above save for Elizabeth’s children who gives it momentum.
Accept any other relevant conclusion. (2 marks)
Expect 4 developed points.
Mark 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 = 12 marks Grammar and presentation =4mk
steve williams answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 10:08
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write an essay to support this statement.
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"Too much of something can be poisonous."
Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."
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- Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in...(Solved)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow
When he was here
We planned each tomorrow
With him in mind
For we saw no parting
Looming in the horizon
When he was here,
We joke and laughed together
And no fleeting shadow of a ghost
Ever crossed our paths
Day by day we lived
On this side of the mist
And there was never a sign
That his hours were running fast
When he was gone,
Through glazed eyes we searched
Beyond the mist and shadows
For we couldn’t believe he was nowhere
We couldn’t believe he was dead
(Laban Erapu)
a)What is the message of this poem?
b)Comment on the use of repetition in line 1 of stanza 1 and 2
c)What is the significance of the last line of poem?
d)What would the persona miss in his friend’s absence?
e)Describe the mood of this poem
f)Paraphrase the following line: Through glazed eyes we searched
g)Which two lines in the poem show that the persona has nostaligic tone?
h)Explain the meaning of the following lines as used in the poem.
•And there was never a sign: that his hours were running fast.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Discuss the use of satire in Witi Ihimaera's "The Whale Rider."
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The society depicted in Grace Ogot's "The Bamboo Hut" is chauvinistic.Support this assertion basing your argument on the story.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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The author of the story "The Bamboo Hut" portrays a community that is rich in traditions.Using illustrations from the story,justify this statement.
Date posted: January 9, 2018. Answers (1)