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Explain the source of financing healthcare in Kenya


Explain the source of financing healthcare in Kenya



The public. These are government allocations from the national budget comprising about 30% of the total yearly expenditure in healthcare in the country. This also the main source of funding for about 80% of the population that receives services from the public sector.

Private (consumers). This is the largest contributor of total healthcare funds spent in the country at 35.9% of the total expenses. These funds serve about 20% of the population that is able to access private healthcare services. These are mostly funded through company or employee insurance schemes. These funds are thus not available for the newly decentralized units.

Donors. These include funds to fight high burden diseases such as HIV, malaria and Tuberculosis. These funds directly supplement public sector funds and contributes about 30% of the total healthcare expenditure in the country.
steve williams answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 12:43

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