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Give any five problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya


Give any five problems facing horticultural farming in Kenya



Seasonal roads get muddy during the rainy season thus limiting accessibility between farms and collecting farms
Inadequate refrigeration facilities lead to reduction in the quality of the products since they are highly perishable
Freight charges are very high and this leads to marginal profit.
The production cost is very high as result of hiked prices of inputs
There is stiff competition in the market resulting from other international producers such as Netherlands.


-Bad weather.

- Poor infrastructure.

- High fees charged to farmers who export their farm produce (high tarrifs)

- High transport costs.

- High cost of farm inputs e.g. fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.

- Lack of storage.

- Restrictions by importance

- Competition from other producers e.g. Netherlands.

- Inadequate capital to purchase farm equipment and inputs.

- Lack of co-operatives.

- Low export demand

- Poor marketing.
Faimus answered the question on January 23, 2018 at 16:56

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