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Using a relevant example in each case, describe simple and conditional reflex actions.


Using a relevant example in each case, describe simple and
conditional reflex actions.



? Simple reflex action eg. withdrawal of finger from a sharp object/ hot object;
its an automatic response to a specific stimulus; when the finger touches
sharp object/ hot object, the pain receptors/ thermoreceptors in the skin are
stimulants; and trigger off a nerve impulse; the nerve impulse is transmitted
via the senses neurone; to the grey matter of the spinal cord/ CNS/ brain; the
impulse is then transmitted via synapse; to the relay neurone; and then
through another synapse; to the motor neurone; and then through another
synapse; to the motor neurone; the impulse is then transmitted to the effector
muscles in the hand; ace - efferent neurone for motor neurone
? Afferent neurone for sense neurone
? intermediate/ associative/ connector/interauncial neurone - for relay. The
effector muscles/ biceps contract; and the finger is withdrawn from the hot
object/ sharp object; conditioned reflex action - salivation in a dog/ human
being (ace. any other relevant example) student in response to sound; it is an
automatic response evoked from an animal by unrelated stimulus; substituted
for the one which normally elicits the response; it develops from a past
experience; and involves modification of behaviour/involves learning; it
weakens with time; and must be reinforced by repeating the related stimulus;
the dog/ student salivates when the bell (for meals) rings; because they have
learnt to associate the ringing of the bell at meal time with food; everytime it
rings (accept use of other relevant examples) they are offered food.
gregorymasila answered the question on January 26, 2018 at 06:19

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