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Outline six ways of reducing the level of unemployment in Kenya


Outline six ways of reducing the level of unemployment in Kenya.



? Diversification of the economy by encouraging the establishing of different
industries /sectors to create employments opportunities
? Transforming agricultural sector to curb rural urban migration to create more
jobs and reduce unemployment)
? Transforming education sector making graduates acquire relevant skills.
? Establishing an employment policy by government to make it easy for people
to get jobs/Accept of policy as mention
? Lending /setting of a fund to assist unemployed to stat income generating
activities/accept of funds as a mention
? Exporting Labour by assisting unemployed people to acquire jobs abroad
/countries with labour deficiency.
? Encouraging the informal Jua Kali sector to promote self employment
? Delocalization/ decentralization policy for balanced regional
development/reduced rural urban irrigation
? Population policy to control growth/have a labour force that the economy can
? To improve infrastructure in order to have suitable economic activities /accept
e gs of infrastructure as a rating.
? Increase government expenditure to expand the size of the economy/ to
finance development projects.
? Effective use of natural resources to increase production activities
? Income /wage policy to harmonize differences between regions/sectors
? Attract (Local /foreign) investments through vision incentives/to grow the
? Reviving collapsed industries/projects by injector, funds/selling them
/increased production activities
gregorymasila answered the question on January 26, 2018 at 06:37

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