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Outline six circumstances in which the government may be involved in business


Outline six circumstances in which the government may be involved in business.



? When a business venture requires investment of large sums of money which
individual entrepreneurs may not provide.
? When the goods or services to be provided are essential to the welfare of the
? When there is need to protect citizens from exploitation by private entrepreneurs.
? When the government desires to create employment for the citizens.
? When the government needs to generate income through revenue collection.
? When there is need to safeguard national security.
? When the venture is strategic but provides low profits hence unattractive to
private investors.
? Where there are monopolies in the economy, the government gets involved in
business to increase competition.
? Where there is need to balance regional development.
? To reduce foreign dominance in the economy.
? Where there is need to attract foreign investment.
gregorymasila answered the question on January 26, 2018 at 06:39

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