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Using illustration, state themes in West Indies literature.


Using illustrations, state themes in west indies literature.
Here you are required to state common themes in Carribean literature. This is a question from a literature unit in bachelor of education in English and literature.



Alienation _ having been victims of cultural and physical depression and also being uprooted from their different ancestries all over the world, the West Indies society has the feeling of being outside of where and what they should be. They feel alienated from what should be closest to them. In "I Shall Return" a poem by Claude Mckay, the persona is strongly alienated and suffering from the feelings of being in a diaspora and wishes to return. In "Homestretch", Brenda's main adjustments in the beginning of the text is as a result of alienation.

Escape and escapism _ in the book "Miguel Street", characters found themselves in dehumanising conditions. The West Indies societies to some extent has resulted into escapism so as to escape from the tormenting realities around them. Manman, Elias and Eddoes are sketchy characters who have resulted into laughing at themselves when they should be crying because of the tormenting reality around them.

Nationalism _ many of the Carribean islands were one time colonies which changed hands. Many were separated by the Carribean sea and were not economically viable hence the struggle to build cohesive units through units university and spots. The struggle of nationalism is however hindered by a multiplying factors most of which are explored in George Lamming's "In the castle of my skin".

Lack of identity - The question in Carribean literature rotates around whom am I and where do I belong?
People in West indies by race belong to Europe and by birth they belong to the Carribean islands. The narrator boy in "Miguel Street" is moving from one occupant of the street to another in search of whom he can indentify.

Cultural plurality _ In "Tijean and his brothers" by Derek Waret, the west indies are products of Africans, Chinese, Europeans, East Indians and Arawak Indians. Some Carribean writers try to urge inhabitants to the islands to pick the best of the represented cultures and forge forward without looking for their roots.

Merick answered the question on January 26, 2018 at 13:59

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