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Describe the adaptations of a mammalian ear to its functions.


Describe the adaptations of a mammalian ear to its functions.



The pinna;- is funnel shaped; cartilaginous structure that collects and directs sound waves into the ear;

The external auditory canal; - a tube that directs sound waves from the pinna to the
eardrum lining the auditory canal;

The canal contains wax-secreting cells; and hair which
traps dust particles; and pathogenic bacteria hence prevent them from getting into the ear;

The eardrum; - has a thin tough membrane; that easily vibrates when hit by sound waves; transferring them into vibrations.

The ear ossiscles; - they act like a layer and they easily move forward and backward to
amplify sound vibrations that hit them;

The suspensory ligaments; - suspends the ear ossicles and prevents excessive vibration that would otherwise damage the inner parts of the ear;

The eustachian tube - it connects the middle ear with the pharynx; and it equalises air pressure between the middle and the outer ear so as to prevent distortion of the eardrum;

The oval window;- has thin membrane that transmits sound vibrations into the endolymph;

The cochlea;- highly coiled to occupy a small area but to accommodate a large number
of sensory cells;

The perilymph and endolymph; - these are fluids that absorb mechanical shock; hence protect the delicate\parts in the inner ear; They also transmit vibrations to the inner parts of the ear;

The sensory cells; - when stimulated, they generate nerve impulses; which are transmitted by the auditory nerve to the brain;

The semi-circular canals; - these are tubular cavities that maintains body balance and posture; they contain special cells that are sensitive to changes in gravity;

franco crick answered the question on January 29, 2018 at 10:10

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