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Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ.


Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the body of Christ.



? St. Paul describes the believers as the body of Christ
? Christ is the head of the church
? The believers form parts of the body.
? The body has different organs. In the same way the Church has different
? They all need to work together for the well being of the church.
? Every part of the body is needed to make it whole /all parts are
interdependent/ one part cannot be without the other.
? The different church members are given different spiritual gifts by the Holy
Spirit to carry out God’s work.
? Believers are united through baptism in the Holy Spirit.


Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of Body of Christ.

? Church like a human body has many parts that functions for the good of the whole body.
? As the body of Christ, the church has many members from different back grounds but all have been baptized in one spirit.
? Every member of the church has a role to play for her development.
? Different members have different spiritual gifts that are used for the development of the church.
? All members of the body of Christ are equal because they serve the same God.
? All spiritual gifts have been given by God hence none is inferior to the other.
? Christians strive to remain in Christ and also invite others to become members of the body of Christ.
? Unity is achieved through the practice of virtues such as humility gentleness and patience.
? The spirit is the unifying power that brings Christians together as one body of Christ.
? Jesus is the head of the Church.
? Christians share one faith in Christ.
? Christ has given Christians gifts for the purpose of building the body of Christ.
gregorymasila answered the question on January 31, 2018 at 09:52

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