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Outline the social organization of the Buganda Kingdom during the pre-colonial period.


Outline the social organization of the Buganda Kingdom during
the pre-colonial period.



? They were organized into clans which had their own traditions/customs.
? They worshipped many gods with Katonda as their supreme God
? The people highly regarded the Kabaka whom they considered to be semi-
? The people believed in life after death since they worshipped the spirits of the
? The umbilical cord/jaw bones of the Kabaka were preserved for future
? The people performed sacrifices during the time of misfortune/fortune.
? They had symbols of royalty in form of royal drums/spears/crowns which
were kept at the Kabaka's palace
? They had religious shrines which were scattered all over the Kingdom.
? They were polygamous /married many wives in order to strengthen social


Describe the social organization of the Buganda

The social organization was based on the clan.
They were divided into four classes. The king and other members were at the top of the organization followed by the chiefs, peasants and slaves
They believed in a supreme creator but also believed in other gods
There were mediums who demanded huge gifts for consultation and sorcerers who were greatly feared because they could cause injury
The royal shrine was opposite the king’s palace and other shrines were scattered all over the kingdom
gregorymasila answered the question on February 5, 2018 at 06:24

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