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What are pasture improvement methods?


What are pasture improvement methods?



1.Always test the pasture soil before initial seeding or re-seeding.
2. Keep the pasture mowed or allow it to be grazed very close to the soil to create space between plants for the fertilizer and seed you apply to filter to the ground
3. Add lime and fertilizer to improve soil nutrients as indicated by the soil test and repeat later when plants need them. Don't assume that more is better. Fertilizer runoff is an environmental pollutant, and over-fertilizing is also a waste of money.
4.Eliminate as many weeds as possible either by manual, mechanical or chemical means. Since many have taproots that are too deep to completely remove, mow to reduce weed growth before they go to seed.
0701927520 answered the question on February 11, 2018 at 05:31

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