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The introduction of a computer-based information system in an organization can generate some amount of fear and reluctance to change on the part of users. Required: (a)...


The introduction of a computer-based information system in an organization can generate
some amount of fear and reluctance to change on the part of users.
(a) List six major reasons for such user resistance.
For each reason, provide a brief explanation.
(b) How can this problem of user resistance to change be solved?



a) Reasons for user resistance:
1. Parochial Self-Interests
Users may resist a computer-based information system because they may perceive it as a
threat to their current job, power, etc
2. Differing Perceptions Or Assessments
Managers could view the computer-based system as vital to organizational efficiency
while operations staff may view a computer-based system as a nuisance to their normal
operations thus leading to their resistance to the system.
3. Ignorance
Users could resist the introduction of a computer-based information system due to lack
of knowledge of the potential benefits of the system.
4. Mistrust And Suspicion
Users could view the computerization of the information system as an opportunity for
downsizing the labour force and thus they will tend to resist.
5. Lack of Involvement of Users in the Computerization Initiative.
When users are not involved, they feel left out and thus they resist in protest to
6. Need To Re-skill
The need to re-skill due to the introduction of the computer based information system
may discourage users particularly when some of them feel that they won‘t be able to
cope with the new demands due to their age.
b) Probable solutions to the problem of user resistance:
1. User Involvement And Participation In The Change
Users could be involved in the design and implementation of a project so as to make
them feel that they have a stake in the project.
2. Communication and Education
The users need to understand the need for change as well as the logic behind it.
3. Facilitation And Support Of The Change
Support from management in the form of specialized training, job-stress counseling, and
compensatory time offs could be used to reduce the negative effects of the change.
4. Negotiation And Agreement.

gregorymasila answered the question on February 7, 2018 at 14:21

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