a) Microprocessor
This refers to a semiconductor chip that integrates all of the memory, logic and control
circuits for an entire Central Processing Unit of a computer onto a single chip.
Microprocessors come in the form of a Silicon chip mounted on an electronic circuit
board. The semiconductor chip that constitutes a microprocessor consists of thousands
of transistors. The transistors operate as electronic switches each having two binary
states (ON or OFF). Examples of microprocessors common in today‘s market are the
Intel Pentium III chip and the Intel Pentium IV chip.
Distributed data processing
This refers to a mode of processing that distributes the computer processing work
among multiple computers linked by a communication network. A common example of
distributed processing is client/server computing which splits processing between clients
and servers. Both are on the network, but each machine is assigned functions it is best
suited to perform. The client is the point of entry for the required function. The server
provides the client with services e.g. storage and processing of data, and also
management of network activities
Direct Access backing storage
Backing storage refers to that which supplements the main memory. A direct access backing
storage device is one that allows for data to be retrieved by going to the exact position of the
data without following any order. This mode of access is made possible because each
location on the storage medium has a unique address and thus the read/write head can go
directly to the required location. Examples of direct access backing storage devices are
magnetic disks (Hard disks and floppy disks).
Batch processing
This refers to a mode of processing data in which transactions are accumulated and stored
until a specified time when it is convenient or necessary to process them as a group. An
example of a batch processing system is a payroll system.
Time sharing
This refers to the sharing of computer resources by many users simultaneously by having the
CPU spend a fixed amount of time on each user‘s program before proceeding to the next.
Thousands of users are each allocated a tiny slice of computer time, when each is required to
perform any operation. At the end of this period, another user is given another time slice of
the CPU. Time-sharing is facilitated by most modern operating systems.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 7, 2018 at 14:24
- The introduction of a computer-based information system in an organization can generate
some amount of fear and reluctance to change on the part of users.
The introduction of a computer-based information system in an organization can generate
some amount of fear and reluctance to change on the part of users.
(a) List six major reasons for such user resistance.
For each reason, provide a brief explanation.
(b) How can this problem of user resistance to change be solved?
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char *wordwrap(char *str, int size=0, char ch) ;(Solved)
What is wrong with the following C++ prototype?
char *wordwrap(char *str, int size=0, char ch) ;
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Briefly describe a default argument in a computer program.
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Give one disadvantage of reference parameters.
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What is the general forms of new that is used to initialize a dynamic variable? Give a correct example.
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Given a pointer to an object in a C++, what operator is used to access a member of that object?
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What is a reference in programming? What is one advantage of using a reference parameter?
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Show the general forms for 'new' and 'delete'.What are some advantages of using them instead of malloc() and free() in a C++ program.
Date posted: February 4, 2018. Answers (1)
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What is the 'this' pointer in a program code?
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What is a friend function in a computer program?
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Explain why you must be careful when passing objects to a function or returning objects from a function in a program.
Date posted: February 4, 2018. Answers (1)
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Can the address of an object in a program be passed to a function as an argument?
Date posted: February 4, 2018. Answers (1)