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(a) Give any three causes of aridity and desertification in sub-Saharan Africa. (b) Highlight any four steps the government of Kenya has taken towards solving aridity and desertification in the Northern part of the country


(a) Give any three causes of aridity and desertification in sub-Saharan Africa.
(b) Highlight any four steps the government of Kenya has taken towards solving aridity and desertification in the Northern part of the country



Causes of aridity and desertification

Low rainfall which leads to insufficient moisture in the soil to support crop growth
High temperatures that lead to high rates of evaporation throughout the year. The moisture in the soil is lost to the atmosphere leaving insufficient moisture in the soil for crop growth
The dry land winds blowing over the sub-Saharan region such cause a drying effect leading to aridity and desertification

Steps taken by the government to solve aridity and desertification

Controlling industrialisation and setting up laws governing pollution
Establishment of afforestation and reafforestation projects in the affected areas
Encouraging gabion construction and other soil conservation measures
Controlling the number of livestock in arid areas.

Faimus answered the question on February 7, 2018 at 18:49

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