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(i.) What is an expert system? (ii.) List four advantages of using an Expert System in decision making.


(i.) What is an expert system?
(ii.) List four advantages of using an Expert System in decision making.



(i) Expert system
This is a knowledge-intensive computer program that captures the expertise of a
human in limited domains of knowledge. An expert system could assist decision-
making in an organization by asking relevant questions and explaining the reasons for
adopting certain actions.

(ii) Advantages of expert systems in decision-making:
1. Enable high quality decisions to be made.
2. They reduce the number of decision makers since they partly automate the process
of decision-making. This implies lower labour costs.
3. They ensure accountability since they provide reasons for proposing an action.
4. Since they support managers in decision-making, they enable decisions to be made
within a short time period.
5. Since expert systems capture human expertise, they enable organizations to fully
retain intellectual resources for future decision-making.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 7, 2018 at 20:16

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