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Discuss why you think christians have different opinion about abortion


Discuss why you think christians have different opinion about abortion



It is believed that the disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians at a place called Antioch (Acts of the apostles 11:19-26) this is the place that Paul first established a church,these disciples were referred to as Christians because they acted or behaved like Jesus Christ. Basing on this belief many Christians today strive to live like Jesus and do what would please Him, one of the ten commandments that were given to Moses in the book of Exodus is 'thou shalt not kill' relying on this most Christians are against any form of abortion at any stage of pregnancy because they view it as killing.
The Roman Catholic Church for instance forbids abortion, they believe that life begins at conception and therefore it should be valued and seen as sacred, the church opposes any methods that may cause harm to the unborn child or that may hinder conception such as use of contraceptives.
Other christian denominations also don't support abortion especially if it is procured as a means of avoiding responsibility for conception or as a method of family planning, however questions have been raised about rape cases, should women be allowed to abort especially if they were sexually harassed? Most churches provide counselling for such victims to try and desuade them from aborting but rather give the child out for adoption if they don't want to keep them.
Ara Akinyi answered the question on March 16, 2018 at 15:43

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