Describe hand milking in a dairy cow.


Describe hand milking in a dairy cow.




•Assemble all the milking equipment such as buckets, milk cans and towels.
•Put the cow in the milking shed and restrain appropriately.
•Wash the udder and teats using warm water mixed with a suitable sanitizing agent.
•Dry the udder using a clean towel.
•Use a strip cup to check for mastitis.
•Carry out the milking by squeezing the milk out.
•Strip the udder dry.
•Dip the teats in anti-mastitis solution after milking.
•Apply milking jelly (milk salve) on the teats.
•Release the cow.
•Wash and record the milk.
•Strain milk as it is put into the milk can and cover immediately.
•Finally, cool the milk rapidly to temperature of 400C.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on February 10, 2018 at 17:21

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