Planning factors for consideration in Estimation and planning techniques: -
a. Estimation
i. Complexity:
Intuitively the more complex the longer time it will take to produce a product, usually
software in this case. Various metrics have been produced but they still rely on estimates
themselves. These measures have been found to correlate with the number of source
statements in the product produced. Increasing complexity requires more effort and
higher fault rates.
ii. Skill of team members:
This has a major influence on the effectiveness of effort applied. Studies in this are
indicate a 1: 7 ratio between best and worst programmers. High-achievement
environments also appear to have an effect probably because they attract more high
iii. Elapsed time of project:
The longer the project takes to deliver its final results, the more likely it is that the
environment or business conditions will have changed during the lifecycle. This leads to
ever changing objectives, requirements and constraints requiring replanning,
respecification, redesign, redevelopment retesting etc., and disaster. Short projects do not,
in general, suffer these problems. Deliver large projects in suitable chunks if at all possible.
iv. Staff turnover:
Loss of key staff can significantly affect project schedules and costs as experience leaves
a team. Also there is an effect on existing team members. New staff require time to
cover a learning process.
v. New methodologies/technology:
Have to be learnt and experienced by team members which takes time and should be
tested on short projects to gain that experience. Management and utilization of the new
methods and technology is also an important consideration.
vi. Size of team:
Larger teams require better intercommunication skills. Tasks are not necessarily easily
divisible and resources can display great variations in productivity (see ii above).
b. Planning techniques:
i. Work breakdown structures:
Creation of an initial simple list of major activities and their estimated durations. These
major activities can then be broken down to form a more detailed Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) giving a better understanding of how this level of detail will be
This WBS still does not show when activities will commence and finish and if certain
activities can be carried out in parallel.
ii. Gantt and Milestone Charts:
Gantt charts are a series of horizontal bars drawn to represent activities whose length is
proportional to the activity duration. They are simple and effective and show time along
the horizontal axis with vertical bars that depict tasks or activities and indicate their
estimated start and finish times. Milestone charts are similar but do not show start and
duration but only the planned completion dates of events. Gantt charts do not show the
dependencies of one or more activities on other activities.
iii. Networks:
They allow the portrayal of the dependencies between tasks graphically, utilizing a
network of nodes and lines. There are a variety of notations that can be used such as
activities -on-arrow or activities-on-node. Critical path Analysis uses a network to
establish those activities which are critical to the early delivery of the final product. This
enables project managers an important tool for identification of critical tasks. The use of
project planning software is important to monitor the ever-changing project progress.
Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) was developed using a statistical
duration estimation technique for tasks which was the major contribution of the PERT
gregorymasila answered the question on February 15, 2018 at 17:06
- Businesses and organizations, whether computerised or not, make extensive use of
management reporting systems.
a. Describe some general characteristics of management reporting systems.
b. A supermarket with...(Solved)
Businesses and organizations, whether computerised or not, make extensive use of
management reporting systems.
a. Describe some general characteristics of management reporting systems.
b. A supermarket with some 10,000 stock items must know very quickly when a stock item
requires re-ordering. Describe in detail the type of report that should be used, giving details
of how the report format should be set up based on an example for a single item, and how
the report will be used by purchasing management
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Strategic benefits for an organization may be obtained by the use of a wide range of text and
image telecommunication based applications.
a. Identify and describe...(Solved)
Strategic benefits for an organization may be obtained by the use of a wide range of text and
image telecommunication based applications.
a. Identify and describe how telecommunication applications can reduce costs and/or help
an organisation differentiate products and services.
b. Describe the factors that
must be considered when developing a telecommunications
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- In the conduct of duties, a professional information analyst/programmer might become
involved in an ethical conflict with an instruction from his/her organisation. An approach to...(Solved)
In the conduct of duties, a professional information analyst/programmer might become
involved in an ethical conflict with an instruction from his/her organisation. An approach to
this problem suggests that there are four main tasks that should be very carefully considered
by the professional person before any action is taken:
a. Collect and examine all the facts of the case;
b. Ensure that all internal organisational processes have been utilised;
c. Carefully consider your own situation;
d. Carefully consider possible final choices and outcomes.
Using the above headings, outline possible tasks and decisions that should be carried out or
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Executive Support Systems (ESS) are information systems at the strategic level of an
organization designed to address the problem of unstructured decision-making through the
Executive Support Systems (ESS) are information systems at the strategic level of an
organization designed to address the problem of unstructured decision-making through the
use of advanced graphics and communications.
a. List four types of technological change that have allowed more effective ESS to be
developed, indicating how each of these changes contributed to solving the earlier
problems of the ESS?
b. In what ways is building executive support systems different from building traditional MIS
c. What are the benefits of ESS? How do they enhance managerial decision making?
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- To support users of modern networked computer systems, organizations have set up
variously named functions such as Help-desks, Information Centres, or Support Centres.
a. Describe the...(Solved)
To support users of modern networked computer systems, organizations have set up
variously named functions such as Help-desks, Information Centres, or Support Centres.
a. Describe the major functions of these user support areas.
b. User training and updating is of major importance. Describe what training options are
currently available for desktop computer users.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Information systems are the lifeblood of any organization: -
a. Describe what is meant by a FORMAL computer-based information system;
b. In parallel with the formal information...(Solved)
Information systems are the lifeblood of any organization: -
a. Describe what is meant by a FORMAL computer-based information system;
b. In parallel with the formal information system, runs an INFORMAL information system.
Describe what is meant by this informal information system;
c. Compare this informal information system with the formal system indicating any conflicts
that might arise;
d. During the design of a formal computer based information system, should the
designers of such a system take into consideration the informal information system, and
if so, why?
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- In the context of computer-based transaction processing systems: -
a. Describe their purpose;
b. Describe two different examples of such systems in differing industries or services;
c. What...(Solved)
In the context of computer-based transaction processing systems: -
a. Describe their purpose;
b. Describe two different examples of such systems in differing industries or services;
c. What are the MAJOR security implications of such systems?
d. Describe which of the system development methodologies is most likely to be used,
giving reasons for your choice.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- ‘It is one thing to have ownership of your own computer systems but another to accept the
responsibilities of ownership such as data integrity, security...(Solved)
‘It is one thing to have ownership of your own computer systems but another to accept the
responsibilities of ownership such as data integrity, security and overall risk management ‘.
This statement was made by a member of the board of a leading company. Explain what the
statement means and indicate how the company can ensure that it‘s responsibilities of
ownership ‘are properly carried out
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- A software house produces a software package for the insurance industry. Purchases of the
package have formed a very active user group which has lobbied...(Solved)
A software house produces a software package for the insurance industry. Purchases of the
package have formed a very active user group which has lobbied for a particular change to
be made to the software to improve the functionality and usability of the software.
(a) Briefly explain the following terms:
(i.) Corrective maintenance;
(ii.) Adaptive maintenance;
(iii.) Perfective maintenance.
(b) Briefly explain the meaning and purpose of a user group
The software house has an internal quality assurance process for implementing software
Explain each of the following two stages of an internal quality assurance process:
(c) Unit testing.
(d) System testing.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- a. The assurance of quality is an important aspect within all information systems
departments. Explain the following two stages of an internal quality assurance process.
a. The assurance of quality is an important aspect within all information systems
departments. Explain the following two stages of an internal quality assurance process.
i. Unit testing
ii. Systems testing
b. Explain how using formal specification methods can contribute to improved quality
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Many organizations operate an Information Systems department responsible for providing a
wide range of IT related services. Describe the role of the following employees within...(Solved)
Many organizations operate an Information Systems department responsible for providing a
wide range of IT related services. Describe the role of the following employees within an
Information Systems department.
a) Project Manager
b) Systems Analyst
c) Programmer
d) Data Analyst
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Most data work takes place in an office.
a. Outline the three major roles of an office.
b. What is an Office Automation System (OAS)?
Most data work takes place in an office.
a. Outline the three major roles of an office.
b. What is an Office Automation System (OAS)?
c. Outline what application packages might be found in the accounts office;
d. Word-processing and desk top publication applications have created a problem of an
increased flow of paper. Document imaging systems can reduce this problem.
i. Describe the key elements of a document imaging system;
ii. Outline why a document imaging system can significantly reduce the paper-flow.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Implementing a new information system, computer or manual, into an existing organisation
requires careful planning for it to be successful.
a. Outline the various organisational (NOT...(Solved)
Implementing a new information system, computer or manual, into an existing organisation
requires careful planning for it to be successful.
a. Outline the various organisational (NOT COMPUTER) factors that must be considered
and planned for to ensure the probability of a successful implementation;
b. Outline the relationship between information systems and organisational politics
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- The growth of telecommunications has made information a key organisational resource, which requires careful management.a. Give your definition of an Information System. b. The management...(Solved)
The growth of telecommunications has made information a key organisational resource,
which requires careful management.
a. Give your definition of an Information System.
b. The management of information may be divided into two categories:-
i. Information management and
ii. Information Systems management
Give a detailed description of each of these managerial tasks.
c. It has been suggested that both these managerial tasks commit personnel involved to a
'Lifelong learning process'. What are the reasons for this point of view?
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Information systems are usually more to do with people than technology. Over the last
century the task of management in organisations has been studied by...(Solved)
Information systems are usually more to do with people than technology. Over the last
century the task of management in organisations has been studied by many academics. Their
studies have been categorized under three main headings:-
Technical-Rational, Behavioural and Cognitive.
a. Outline the major aspects of each of these headings;
b. List the people involved in developing an information system.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Computer systems which process financial data for a company should be audited to evaluate
the reliability of information and also the efficiency and effectiveness of...(Solved)
Computer systems which process financial data for a company should be audited to evaluate
the reliability of information and also the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. The
main problem with auditing a computer system is that processing operations are invisible.
a) State five systems checks and controls that should be built in the system at the design
stage to reduce the problem and weaknesses that auditors frequently detect.
b) Discuss the audit trail in computerized accounting information systems.
c) Explain each of the following computer auditing approaches and techniques:
(i.) Auditing around the computer;
(ii.) Auditing through the computer;
(iii.) Auditing packages.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- One of the current developments in information technology, which has strategic
implications for business firms, is the move towards open systems.
a) Explain the meaning of...(Solved)
One of the current developments in information technology, which has strategic
implications for business firms, is the move towards open systems.
a) Explain the meaning of the open systems concept.
b) Discuss the implications of the move towards open systems for organizations that have
already invested in proprietary information systems.
c) Outline two potential benefits to information technology due to the move towards open
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- (a) A major source of errors in computer systems is errors in the input data. What controls would you install for the control of such errors?...(Solved)
(a) A major source of errors in computer systems is errors in the input data. What controls
would you install for the control of such errors?
(b) Describe four methods that would be used for fact finding during system investigation.
(c) Give the principal method of data capture in the following applications:
(i.) Banks;
(ii.) Supermarkets
(iii.) Clothing and footwear retailing.
(d) What are the functions of a systems programmer?
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- In the context of ethical considerations: -
a. Outline the individual ethical issues implied when a person joins a professional
b. Describe some of the ethical dilemmas...(Solved)
In the context of ethical considerations: -
a. Outline the individual ethical issues implied when a person joins a professional
b. Describe some of the ethical dilemmas that are involved with Information Systems.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)
- Organizations are now moving from Strategic Management systems towards Enterprise
systems and yet further to Industrial Networks and Extended Enterprise systems.
a. Describe the features of...(Solved)
Organizations are now moving from Strategic Management systems towards Enterprise
systems and yet further to Industrial Networks and Extended Enterprise systems.
a. Describe the features of Enterprise computing and industrial networks;
b. What are the business and technological reasons for this move?
c. Outline the key elements required to build an enterprise information technology structure
d. Outline potential organisational problems in the creation of these enterprises systems.
Date posted: February 15, 2018. Answers (1)