a)An observer/Onlooker/By stander in a city street~ The persona gives an eye-witness account of the action of You(1
b) The poem is about a beggar in a city street whose dirty/untidy presence in the modernity of the city is out of place/misplaced. The people of town have learnt to ignore the beggar.'You'- probably a stranger in the town-arrives and throws a coin to the beggar and in process reminds
the others of a presence they had learnt to ignore.
* The candidate must avoid using the words of the actual words of the poem in paraphrasing.
c)i) The guilt of failing to give because of lack of change (loose coins) to give to the beggar.
ii)The guilt of embarrassment caused by hurling the coin to the beggar and failing to land in/missing the beggars bowl.
iii) There is the guilt of stirring the memory of the beggars presence- something
the town's people had learnt to ignore (1
d) Poetic devices
Metaphor -..heap of rags/louse that creeps this refers to the beggar
Personification-gratitude that followed you down the street
Alliteration -.. grotesque gratitude
Paradox- startled by his silent presence (silence does not startle)
Onomatopoeia - that creeps/hurled a coin/groped for it
e) i) Ironic- the persona condemns the You for an act of charity, i.e. for giving alms to the beggar
ii) Satirical-the You's concern for the beggar is not genuine /It is borne of guilt rather than genuine concern/desire to help.
And make the start - causes the beggar to become scared/to be afraid.
Which missed the mark - failed to land in the beggars bowl
To escape the stare - to evade/avoid the gaze
johnson mwenjera answered the question on February 16, 2018 at 17:20
- Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
The boy's name was Waiyaki, the only son of Chege. He was quite young; not...(Solved)
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
The boy's name was Waiyaki, the only son of Chege. He was quite young; not of Kamau or Kinuthia's age. He had not even gone through his second birth, Waiyaki was however, already tall for his age. He had a well-built athletic body. His hair was tough and dry with kinks that finished in a clear outline on the forehead. Just above the left eye was a slightly curved scar. He had got it from
a wild goat. The goat had run after one of the herds boys. Seeing this, Waiyaki had taken a stick and run after the goat shouting. The goat had turned on him and jabbed him with its horns, tearing the flesh to the bone. His father arrived in time to save him. That was along while ago. The wound had healed leaving him a hero among the boys although he had run after the goat for sheer fun and enjoyment of the scene. That, however, was not the sole reason why the other boys, young and old promptly followed him.
Chege, his father, was a well known elder in Kameno. He had now only one wife, who had borne him many daughters but only one son. The other two wives had died during the great famine, without any children. The famine had been preceded by a very rich harvest. Then locusts and worms and a blond drought came to bring death to many. Chege had barely survived. His daughters were now well married, apart from one, who had died early. The other elders feared and respected him. For he knew more than any other person, the ways of the land and the hidden things of the tribe. He knew the meaning of every ritual and every signs. So, he was at the head of every important ceremony.
Many stories ran around him. Some people said that he had the gift of magic. Others said that he was a seer and Murungu often spoke to him. And so they said that he could see visions of the future like Mugo wa Kibiro, who along time back prophesied the invasion of the Gikuyu country by the white man. Some even said that Chege was actually related to Mugo. Nobody knew this for sure Chege himself claimed nothing. Ever since he had warned people against Siriana Missionary Centre and they had refused to hear his voice, he had talked little, keeping all thought to himself. Chege had told the people of the ridges what had happened to the people of Murang'a, Nyeri, and Kiambu. He told them of Tumutumu, Gikuyu, Limuru and Kijabe. They doubted his voice saying:
How do you know?
“See them the butterflies.
“Butterflies? You have never left the ridges!
They are there, beyond the ridges, putting up many houses and some taking the land.
How could you have seen the light beyond?
Fools, fools, he muttered to himself in despair.
Nairobi was already flourishing and the railway was moving across the country in the land beyond where not many from the ridges had been. And they lowered their voices and whispered together:
“The white man cannot speak the language of the hills.And knows not the ways of the land.
But the white man had come to Siriana and Joshua and Kabonyi had been converted. They had abandoned the ways of the ridges and followed the new faith. Still, people shrugged their shoulders and went on with their work, whispering:
Who from the outside can make his way into hills?
However, he remembered something in his old age, a light shone in his eyes, a flicker of hope. He would guard it and divulge the knowledge to none but the right one.
(a) What happens just before this excerpt?
(b) What circumstances cause the ordeal above?
(c)Who are butterflies? Illustrate.
(d)Describe the peoples attitude towards Chege
(e)What is the irony in Chege's warning about Siriana Missionary Centre.
(f) How could you have seen the light beyond?(Rewrite in reported speech)
(g)Discuss the role of Waiyaki as evident in this excerpt.
h) Discuss one major theme in this extract.
(i) Who is right one' and what knowledge will Chege divulge to him?
Date posted: February 16, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
Yesterday my emotions
burst like a dam
and flowed violently
onto your innocent self.
Today deluged with
a deep sense of...(Solved)
Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow:
Yesterday my emotions
burst like a dam
and flowed violently
onto your innocent self.
Today deluged with
a deep sense of regret
I hold out my hand
a gesture of reconciliation.
Seeking to forget
The galling bitterness
Of that regrettable moment
When I caused you pain.
A.D. Amateshe.
i) Describe the rhyme scheme in this poem.
ii). Which word would you stress in line 2 of the first stanza?
a) What tone would you use to recite the poem and why?
(b) For each of the following words, write another word that is pronounced the same.
(c) (i) Indicate and name the sound patterns used in the following proverbs:
(i) Better beg than steal.
(ii) Health is better than wealth.
(iii) Time and tide wait for no man.
(iv) Money makes money.
(ii) Give an illustration of the riddling process.
(d) Imagine you are narrating a trickster narrative to children.What would you do to make the performance interesting? Explain.
(e) For each of the following sets of words, underline the odd one out according to the pronunciation of the underlined sounds.
Knot Weapon Saw Breathe
Note Weed Sow Breath
Not Wed So Breadth
Date posted: February 16, 2018. Answers (1)
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Date posted: January 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Margaret Ogola: The River and The Source.
Write a composition exposing the challenges the River that Akoko begins faces as it flows.(Solved)
Margaret Ogola: The River and The Source.
Write a composition exposing the challenges the River that Akoko begins faces as it flows.
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Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
- Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider
“The natural and the supernatural are in mutual co-existence”. Drawing your evidence from the novel The Whale Rider, Write an essay...(Solved)
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“The natural and the supernatural are in mutual co-existence”. Drawing your evidence from the novel The Whale Rider, Write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.
Date posted: January 23, 2018. Answers (1)
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“Boss is not to blame for all the ills in his government”. With close reference to the text,...(Solved)
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“Corruption can kill a nation” With close reference to Francis Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City; show the truth of the statement.
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- When the Sun Goes down and other stories?
“The search for the ‘Promised Land “by Migrants from Africa may not be worth the effort”(Solved)
When the Sun Goes down and other stories
“The search for the ‘Promised Land “by Migrants from Africa may not be worth the effort”
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- Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle
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Bertolt Brecht, The Caucasian Chalk Circle
“Life can present us with many unexpected outcomes, the Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht with reference to the career of Judge Azdok in the play the Caucasian,
write an essay to support this statement.
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- When writers settle to communicate ,they not only need to give the story but also spice it up artistically.Oral tradition is one way of achieving...(Solved)
When writers settle to communicate ,they not only need to give the story but also spice it up artistically.Oral tradition is one way of achieving the artistic touch.In the River and the Source,this is effectively used as sayings,songs and narratives. With illustrations from the River and the source justify this statement.
Date posted: January 19, 2018. Answers (1)
- The author Margaret Ogola has effectively used oral tradition as a style. With illustrations from the River and the source,validate this statement.(Solved)
The author Margaret Ogola has effectively used oral tradition as a style.With illustrations from the River and the source,validate this statement.
Date posted: January 19, 2018. Answers (1)