(a) Rewrite the sentence below as instructed. (i) Water has been being carried by the cooks (Begin: The cooks ..) ii) The Executive is committed to...


(a) Rewrite the sentence below as instructed.
(i) Water has been being carried by the cooks (Begin: The cooks ..)

ii) The Executive is committed to implement the constitution (Rewrite correctly)

(iii) Annabel and Mabel could sing very well _________________________? (Add a tag)

(b) Fill in the blank with the adjective form of the words in brackets

The accused is yet to be proven....................................................(GUILT)

(ii) The .................................... (MISCHIEF) boy startled the cat.

(iii) Your speech was .................................................... (REMINISCE) of Osamas

(c) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of 'LIE' and 'LAY'

(i) Jessica has...................................................... in the shade all afternoon

(ii) My turkey had ...................................... three eggs before Christmas.

(iii) Whoever says a dog is feline must be a ....................................................................

(d) Replace the underlined words in each sentence with one word with similar meaning

(i) The meeting was put off ....................................................for lack of quorum

(ii) The baby lets out..................................... a cry every time its mother leaves the room

(iii) I'm sorry I can't put up ................................. the visitors; I don't have enough room

(e) Fill the blanks with the correct word

(i) The girls.......................................... their uniform on the clothesline yesterday afternoon

(ii) I entirely agree .......................................... your proposal

(iii) The KCSE results were ................................................. on the KNEC website



i) The cooks have been carrying (the) water
ii) The Executive is committed to implementing the Constitution.
iii) Couldn't they?

i) Guilty
ii) mischievous
iii) reminiscent

i) lain
ii) laid
iii) liar

i) postponed/deferred
ii) emits
iii) accommodate

i) Hung
ii) to
iii) posted
johnson mwenjera answered the question on February 16, 2018 at 19:19

Next: Read the article below and answer the questions that follow. The Guilty of Giving You've seen that heap of rags That pollutes the air-conditioned City Centre That louse that creeps...
Previous: a) Name three types of coral reefs. (b)What are the benefits of coral reefs in the areas they have developed?

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Exams With Marking Schemes

Related Questions

  • Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word. Local dramas 1_________________ come along way production-wise. No doubt...(Solved)

    Read the passage below and fill in each blank space with the most appropriate word.
    Local dramas 1_________________ come along way production-wise. No doubt directors are better than they were ten years ago. 2________________ we have a long way to go before we catch 3____________ with Hollywood, or even Nollywood. Several new local dramas have 4_____________ me hooked to the silver screen. I however have to 5_______________ a way to stop cringing with 6______________static acting. And it is extremely difficult to get used to the long rigid 7_________________ between conversations in certain programmes.
    We also need to have script 8____________ to stop using words like, Whatever you say may be used against you Which policeman says this in Kenya? What is that 9_____________? But I will still choose to watch local productions 10 ___________ the Latin American soaps.

    Date posted: February 15, 2018.  Answers (1)

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    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
    And sorry I could not travel both
    And be one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could
    To where it bent in the undergrowth;
    Then took the other, as just as fair,
    And having perhaps the better claim,
    Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
    Though as for that the passing there
    Had worn them really about the same,
    And both that morning equally lay
    In leaves no step had trodden black.
    Oh, I kept the first for another day!
    Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
    I doubted if I should ever come back.
    I shall be telling this with a sigh
    Somewhere ages and ages hence:
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
    I took the one less travelled by,
    And that has made all the difference.
    By Robert Frost
    (Adapted from Understanding Poetry by Jim Reeves London: Heinemann, 1965)

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    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

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    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

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    ii) I enjoy reading, acting and to farm.

    iv) To clearly think at all times was her goal.


    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

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    (Begin: Not a.........)

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    (Begin: That Okota….)

    iii) Mary poured water on the new student’s bed. Mary assaulted the house captain.

    (Use: Not only….)

    iv) The boy was very hungry. He swallowed the food without chewing it.

    (Begin: So…….)

    v) If we do not keep the environment clean, the health officer will close our café.

    (Rewrite using “Unless”)

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. 3. Long ago before man started taming any other animal apart from the dog, it was said that...(Solved)

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    Long ago before man started taming any other animal apart from the dog, it was said that donkeys could also be tamed. This rumour was told by one man who went to the bush to hunt. After killing the animal he had hunted, he found that it was very heavy for him to carry alone. So he decided to find a way by which he could carry his prey. As he was still thinking, he saw a donkey pass nearby in the bush.

    All of a sudden, an idea came to his head. He thought that if he took his prey and put it on the back of the donkey, it would help him carry his load. So he went after the donkey. He easily put the load on the back of this donkey for it did not attack him or run away.

    He led the way until they reached his compound. After unloading the donkey, he gave it food and it ate with appreciation. From this time, this man started to keep the donkey.

    This story went round that somebody had tamed a donkey. Soon the donkey was famous for its hard work throughout the village and its surroundings. People wanted to satisfy their curiosity. They soon set out to hunt for donkeys and use them to carry heavy loads.
    Donkeys did not know what was going on up to this time. They came to understand only after most of their friends had been taken away. They started to hide very far in the bushes. But all was in vain! People had realized that donkeys were very useful animals. So they made special efforts to hunt as far as where the donkeys could be found.

    This problem really worried the donkeys. Many of their kind had been captured. The rumours they heard were horrifying. Rumour had it that those donkeys which had been captured were working too much and they were given only food enough to keep them going.

    Indeed, this was frightening. The rest of the donkeys decided to act quickly, lest they become victims of circumstances like their unfortunate friends. They, therefore, held an impromptu meeting. Here, they discussed what should be done about the whole problem. One donkey suggested that they should seek help from hare since he was known to be cunning and clever. All agreed that Hare should be asked for advice.

    The next morning, the donkey representative went to see Hare. Hare was only too willing to help. Therefore, Hare asked him to tell all his friends to come to his compound early the next morning. This they did. As they arrived, they found Hare with whitewash in a huge can, ready to act.

    As the donkeys were not so fast in thinking, they wondered how whitewash could have anything to do with their problem. Hare tried to explain but they seemed rather stubborn. Nobody was willing to be the first one to be started on. Finally, one donkey volunteered and stepped forward. Immediately, Hare set to work. He started painting stripes of whitewash on the donkey's skin. Soon the donkey had black-and -white stripes instead of being plain black or grey.

    As the first donkey was painted over, the other donkeys admired him. They all started wishing that they could look like their friend. The moment that followed was full of struggle and scrambling over who should reach the paint first. The warning from Hare that they should be careful went unheeded. Hence, the struggling and fighting continued.

    It happened that after a number of donkeys had been painted, one donkey pushed to the front with force and stepped in the bucket that contained the whitewash. The whole bucket overturned pouring out all the paint. This was the end of everything. The remaining donkeys were helpless because they were the unfortunate ones. Hare told them that he could not help them anymore because the fault had been theirs. And so, although the aggressive donkey was cursed for this bad act, nothing was done for their betterment, for the spilt paint could not be recovered.

    Hence, those donkeys that had been painted were safe from the man's reach. They were the lucky ones and so they changed their name from donkeys to zebras. This name set them apart from the unfortunate donkeys which after this, were all captured by men.
    and taken to work for them. They were less fortunate and that is why they had to maintain their name as donkeys.

    Questions 1. What type of narrative is this? (2mks)

    2. What evidences are there to show that this is an oral narrative? (3mks)

    3. Briefly describe the character of

    i) The Donkey. (2mks)

    ii) The Hare (2mks)

    4. In not more than 85 words, explain the steps that led the donkey to be a burden bearer.

    Rough copy

    Fair copy

    Give an economic activity practiced by the community from which the story is derived.

    6. It is very heavy for him to carry home. (Rewrite: Use too…)

    7. Give a proverb to summarize the narrative.

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following extract and then answer the questions that follow. Semo spoke again; "Brothers, people of Sakwa. We are happy to know you and hope...(Solved)

    Read the following extract and then answer the questions that follow.

    Semo spoke again; "Brothers, people of Sakwa. We are happy to know you and hope that soon we shall not just be friends but relatives as well. We have heard what you have said. We wish to know what bride price would please you."

    "For this jewel there can be no price. Therefore we have decided to give her to you for free except for a token bull, two cows and six goats with which to furnish the requirements of Chik. The bull shall come to me in lieu of her father. The two cows and goats will be taken to Yimbo to the house of Oloo her grandmother's brother who in all ways was a father to the girl and her cousin and always provided for them." The aspiring suitors stared in disbelief. Held in readiness back in Seme were twenty four head of cattle, double the normal bride price which was the least they expected to be asked. Oloo had instructed his uncle to ask for a grace period of six months in which he would have looked for whatever else they would have demanded. And now this! They couldn't possibly give away such a girl for free. They must have something hidden up their sleeves. But they hadn't. He was just an incredibly lucky man and it was beginning to dawn on him.

    Eventually everything was concluded and as conversation, food and kong'o flowed, Akoko asked her grandson-in-law to come and sit next to her. They talked at length and she was seen smiling and nodding her grey head frequently. At one point she burst into a wheezy breathless laughter and everybody's eyes turned towards them with interest. She was full of joy. She had lost one son to the white man's war; and by the grace of God she had gained another from the white man's army. Like Anna and Simeon of old she could now die in peace for her eyes had also seen the promise

    i) Where does the above conversation take place? (2mks)

    ii) Contrast the marriage negotiation presented here to that of Akoko earlier in the text. (2mks)

    iii) Comment on any two styles evident in the passage. (6mks)

    iv) From elsewhere in the novel, illustrate how Elizabeth is a jewel. (4mks)

    v) ‘We wish to know what bride price would please you’ (Rewrite; add a question tag.) (1mk)

    vi) Explain one theme evident in the extract. (3mks)

    vii) What happens immediately after this? (3mks)

    viii) Explain the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage. (4mks)

    a) a token

    b) in lieu

    c) something hidden up their sleeves

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Frequently it is said, "No one reads anymore." 1have read this in newspapers and magazines and...(Solved)

    Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.
    Frequently it is said, "No one reads anymore." 1have read this in newspapers and magazines and heard it on television commentaries. And 1have heard teachers at my school complain that their students do not even read the work assigned in their textbooks. The students I spend most of my time around with seem to be reading constantly, and not always just their homework. Reading is a skill beyond price, and I see people profiting from it daily as they move through various types of reading based on the person's purpose.
    The first category can be called required reading. Most people have some kind of regular required reading. At home we sort through mail find which may be valuable and which may be waste. At work many people have to read office communications. Of course, students are surrounded by books that they read and prove that they know on exams. Sometimes we resent the have-to part of this kind of reading, and sometimes the word "required" makes us want to put it aside. However, there is much to be gained in much required reading, and I have often seen the book that one person ploughs through another person embraces.
    More pleasant for most people is the reading they choose for leisure and entertainment. Some people enjoy short stories and novels. Others prefer magazines that keep them informed on the world, on their profession, or on some special interest or hobby. People read daily newspapers and comic books. Many people find inspiration in the Bible and other religious books. The World Wide Web offers countless opportunities for fun reading. The greatest difference between reading in this category and that which is required seems to be freedom, the choice to read or not to read.
    The most helpful for many people and the most enjoyable reading for me is the practical information found in how-to books and magazines. After examining this kind of material, people can immediately apply the knowledge to their everyday lives. For instance, they can learn how to cook delicious food, how to make a beautiful garden, how to take photographs well, and how to decorate a house. Because people have a personal interest, a clear goal, in practical reading, they can concentrate on it more than with much required reading. And I have noticed that, as with some required reading, how-to books can be interesting and fun for many people.
    People, therefore, read for many reasons, and if they achieve their goal in any category of reading, then it can be said that they have profited. Even the least-preferred type of reading, that which is required, can be beneficial in many ways. It seems to me that people are still much involved with words and pages in books, magazines, and electronic sources, and how could this be otherwise since reading is the foundation of civilization? We may not like to do some kinds of reading, but all the knowledge that exists outside one person and the people he or she can immediately speak to is contained within books. The internet, which my generation is growing up with, is a vast library that offers a wealth of words to any who will pause to view them. I think truly that we are still in a reading world.
    (Adapted from Ho-Chil Sung's "A Skill Beyond Price" in A writer's Workshop. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003)
    Questions 1. How is reading a skill beyond price?

    2. Why is “No one reads anymore” a common statement.

    3. Students are surrounded by books that they read. (Rewrite: use a participle phrase.)

    4. In note form, give examples of leisure reading given in the passage.

    5. What is the difference between enjoying a short story and having to read office communications?

    6. Provide another suitable word that could replace ‘examining’ in paragraph 4.

    7. Identify the various categories of reading, according to the passage.

    8. We may not like to do some kinds of reading, but all the knowledge that exists outside one person and the people he or she can immediately speak to is contained within books (Rewrite begin: Although……….

    9. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions as used in the passage.
    i) Have - to

    ii) Practical

    iii) Foundation

    iv) My generation is growing up with

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • The short story Ilieva and Olembo. When The Sun Goes Down Civil strife is majorly to blame for the under development in Africa. Making reference to...(Solved)

    The short story Ilieva and Olembo. When The Sun Goes Down

    Civil strife is majorly to blame for the under development in Africa. Making reference to The War of the Ears by Moses Isegawa, discuss the validity of this statement.

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • The Caucasian Chalk Circle “Abuse of power is rampant in a society that is at war. Citing illustrations from the play, write an essay in...(Solved)

    The Caucasian Chalk Circle “Abuse of power is rampant in a society that is at war. Citing illustrations from the play, write an essay in support of the above statement.

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • Write two sentences to convey two different meaning of each of the followings word (2marks) Bank ……(Solved)

    Write two sentences to convey two different meaning of each of the followings word (2marks)



    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)

  • Provide suitable question tags to the following statements (3marks) i. Open the door. ii. I am a student iii. Let us go out …(Solved)

    Provide suitable question tags to the following statements (3marks)

    i. Open the door.

    ii. I am a student
    iii. Let us go out …

    Date posted: January 23, 2018.  Answers (1)