The servant of God Apostle Paul uses the human body as symbol of the unity in the body of Christ.
The body is made is made up many different parts. These parts are interrelated and work together to achieve a particular goal in the body.
Some parts are smaller and insignificant yet relatively important in the body and the body cannot properly function without them. These parts are given special treatment and honor so as to avoid discrimination. Some body parts that are presentable need no special honor, but the Lord has put them together for honor of those that did not deserve it.
Consequently, the church is made up of many members who are believers. Every member is essential in the unity of the church, however insignificant they may be. This is because God has placed them for edification of the church. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to help in the union of the body of Christ. Since Christ is one body, the church should be united as one in Him. The church is also united through the resurrection and ascension of Christ. The church ought to rejoice in the union, presence and oneness in Christ.
Andreaz answered the question on February 22, 2018 at 06:22
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