United Nations as a body was created to ensure protection of Humanitarian Law and Human rights. The Union is based on principles that are ratified by member countries to ensure equal implementation of Human Rights Globally. The body of Nations was create after the atrocities of word war two where all nations agreed in the preservation of life and the upholding of each person's dignity. the preamble of the United Declaration of Human Rights 1948 promotes the promotion of human dignity through inalienable rights of each member of the human family. the UN is based on the preservation of human life with freedoms that allow each person to live a free live without any harassment or intimidation of any kind based on discrimination. The Universal Declaration 1945 allows this in articles one through six. The UN allow the application of equality through instruments on Gender Equality,racial equality and commercial transactions whee each individual is allowed to achieve sustainable development.
AngelineMarie answered the question on February 27, 2018 at 12:43
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