Political Upheaval from ideological differences, tribalism and colonial hangovers.
Ethnicity made it difficult for the government to achieve national unity due to
tribal groupings.
Beigian administration retained high ranks in the Army and civil service which
made it impossible for Africans to be independent under African administration.
Secession of Katanga and Kasai regions weakened the country.
The foreigners in Congo turned to the former colonists, for support hence
underming Congo’s independence.
Lumumba’s assassination made the country to almost disintegrate.
Between 1960 – 64 the UN and Belgian interfered a lot with the country’s internal
When mabutu took over there was a shift from democracy to dictatorship e.g one
party system.
Between 1977 to 1978 there was the shaba rebellion and 200 soldiers died.
Congo rebels put up a rebellion to end Mobutu’s rule in 1997.
Kabila was assassinated in 2001. His successor found it difficult to bring peace
into D.R.C
The relationship between DRC and neighbour has remained tense with accusation
and counter accusation by rebel groups approved to each other.
Musyoxx answered the question on February 22, 2018 at 16:10
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Identify the three presidents of democratic republic of Congo since independence
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