- Congress controls the powers of the president e.g the people, the presidential
appointments to the executive must be approved by the senate.
- Congress can refuse to approve funds for foreign policy with which it disagrees e.g
- Congress can impeach a president if his conduct while in office is not good.
- The Supreme Court may declare a president to have acted unconstitutionally and
negate whatever decision he may have authorized. This will damage his image.
- The mass media monitors closely every action or speech by the president.
- The pressure groups also help to check presidential powers where such groups
disapprove something. The President will be morally obliged to reconsider his
- Public opinion in the USA reflects the wishes and feeling of the American’s
- Elections – Since elections for the House of Representatives are held every two
year and 1/3 of the senate are elected every two years a president party may loose its
majority in the congress.
Musyoxx answered the question on February 22, 2018 at 16:12
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