THE NOVEL: Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider. “Witi Ihemera’s, The Whale Rider is an articulation of the traditions of the Maori people,” Write an essay showing...


THE NOVEL: Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider.
“Witi Ihemera’s, The Whale Rider is an articulation of the traditions of the Maori people,”
Write an essay showing the validity of this statement.



In many communities the world over, people cherish various customs. These traditions are the life giving forces of the people. This is effectively portrayed in the Maori culture of the Whangara people as brought out in the novel.
i. Marriage
- The institution of marriage is cherished
- Polygamy is also accepted
- Procuring is engaged to Anna

ii. Superstition
- They beliefs in superhuman entities
- Believed in their ancestor Kahutia – Te – Rangi
- Rawiri saw something flying in the air

iii. Sacred beliefs
- Fishing groves are sacred
- The fishing activities is also sacred
- Man and fish are united in existence

iv. Birth cords
- The umbilical cord is revered in this community
- Must be buried in one’s native land
- Kahu ‘s birth cord is transported miles to be buriedin Whangara

v. Cultural education
- Informal education in Maori culture taught by Koro Apirana
- A requirement that should be passed to young generation to instill Maori culture

vi. Leadership
- It was customary for the chieftainship to be inherited by the man
- Main reason behind Koro’s rejection of Kahu since it is a depart from tradition.
From the foregoing illustration, it is evidently clear that the Whangara people thrived on their belief and trust in their customs. They have a deep and profound attachment to the customs.

Musyoxx answered the question on February 22, 2018 at 18:26

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