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Describe the structure of the earth’s crust.


Describe the structure of the earth’s crust.



It’s rocks are generally brittle/solid.
- The earth’s crust extends between 6 to 80 km.
- It is divided into two layers - sial (continental crust) and sima (oceanic crust).
- The sial rests on the sima
- The sial contains mainly silica and aluminium.
- The sima contains silica, magnesium and iron.
- The sial is lighter/has a density of 2.65 to 2.70 gm per cc.
- The sial has mainly granitic rocks.
- The sima has basaltic rocks.
- The sima is heavier/has a density of 2.7 to 3.0 g/cc
- The sima is fairly flexible
gregorymasila answered the question on February 26, 2018 at 09:19

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