(i) Contributed to the development of Arabic language, especially new vocabularies of religious significance such as Sunnah, qaul, taqrir e.t.c.
(ii) It contributed to the development of Islamic law as it forms the most authoritative source after Quran.
(iii) Led tot he emergence of Ulumul hadit/1 (science of hadith) and Muhaddithun as specialist of this branch of knowledge.
(iv) It influenced Muslims’ code of behaviour emulating the model of the Prophet (p .b .u .h).
(v) It contributed towards the emergence of new Ways of observing ceremonies and festivals such as nikah, aqiqah e.t.c.
(vi) Influenced the growth of centres of learning/education where hadith was taught.
(vii) Hadith re-defined concepts of aura, personal hygiene, ritual purity and dietary regulations. Most of these regulations and norms are contrary to prevailing cultures.
(viii) It led tot he development of press, publication and writing of books on hadith such as Sahih Al-Bukhari.
(IX) Acceptance of the genuine sayings and practices of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) became part and parcel of the requirements of faith.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 12:41
- Ways through which hadith evolved.
Ways through which hadith evolved.
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
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c) State five facts about Al-Muwatta.
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