(i) There is only one obligatory fast in the month of Ramadhan while recommended fasts are many.
(ii) Avoiding obligatory fast without justfiable reason is blamewonhy and sinful while omitting Sunnah fast attracts no sins nor punishment from Allah.
(iii) A Muslim must compensate for missed fardh fast in form of F idya or Qadha while there is no ?dya or qadha for missed Sunnah fast.
(iv) Fasting in Ramadhan lapses for 29 - 30 consecutive days while it is recommended to fast a day and break the other in Sunnah fast.
(v) Observance of the obligatory fast is done during the month of Ramadhan while Sunnah fasts are scattered throughout the other eleven months.
(vi) Fardh fast begins and ends with the sighting of the moon while Sunnah fast is not days or months speci?c.
(vii) End of obligatory fast is marked with the celebration of Eid-ul-?tr while Sunnah fast require no speci?c festival.
(viii) The prescription of fardh fast is expressly mentioned in the Quran while Sunnah fasts are modelled in the practice of the Prophet (p.b.u.h).
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 12:44
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