Functions of a Kadhi.


Functions of a Kadhi.



(i) He listens to cases and disputes involving Muslim parties and determines them on the basis of Shariah provision e.g. marriage, divorce and child custody.

(ii) He determines cases involving crimes (hudud), (tazir) and administers appropriate punishment.

(iii) He determines cases involving inheritance i.e. rightful heirs and their shares.

(iv) He acts as a guardian for women who have no wali in marriage.

(v) He presides over waqf properties and oversees their administration.

(vi) He acts as the administrator of property especially if other relatives of the deceased are disqualified.

(vii) Works in liaison with other judicial courts, state and state departments.

(viii) The Kadhi is consulted by the government on Islamic legal issues.

(iX) He is regarded as an authoritative figure by Muslims as they seek for his guidance on matters related to Islam.

(X) He represents Muslims in National functions.

(Xi) Under certain jurisdiction, the Kadhi is empowered to issues marriage and divorce certificates.

gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 12:47

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