Effects of the contact between the Arab settlers and the indigenous people of the East African coast before the nineteenth century.
(i) It led to the spread of Islam at the East Coast of Africa.
(ii) There was intermarriage between Arab settlers and the local inhabitants.
(iii) Muslims city states ?ourished with trade and other activities.
(iv) It led to the enrichment of Kiswaili language which had a heavy borrowing from Arabic language.
(V) Islamic culture was adopted as a way of life for the Coastal people i.e. mode of dressing, eating etc.
(vi) They constructed places of worship i.e. mosques and learning centres i.e. Madrasas.
(vii) Islamic education was introduced.
(viii) Arabic and Persian architecture were introduced as a result of this contact.
(iX) It led to the introduction of Arabic literacy which helped in the writing of (X) Swahili language using the ajamy form of writing.
(Xi) It led to the introduction of religion specialists such as Imams, Kadhis, etc.
(Xii) It led to the introduction of new forms of religious ceremonies e.g. Nikah, Maulid, etc.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 13:05
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