(i) importance of libraries in the advancement of education, he encouraged the establishment of both private and public libraries.
(ii) importance of supporting scholars and patronising them, Maamun ?nanced the writing of books and supported scholars with stipends.
(iii) that Islam does not differentiate scholars on the basis of religion, he supported both Muslim and non-Muslim scholars.
(iv) Islam does not discriminate women in the pursuit of education - he encouraged women to attend school.
(v) importance of establishing learning centres, during his reign, schools were established even in private houses, he established the Baitul Hikma which was an important learning centre.
(vi) significance of research in advancement of education, he financed research.
(vii) role of Muslims in promotion of education, that Muslims should strive to encourage the pursit for knoweldge. Muslims were free to attend scholarly discussions in his court.
(viii) we should educate our children and inculcate in them love for knowledge. Al- Maamun was well educated and encouraged establishment of schools even in private houses.
(ix) importance of translating education works into languages that are understood by Muslims so as to promote knowledge. e.g. works of scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Galileo were translated into Arabic for easy understanding.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 13:05
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