Measures undertaken by the Prophet (P.b.u.h.) in preparation for Hijra to Madina.


Measures undertaken by the Prophet (P.b.u.h.) in preparation for Hijra to Madina.




(i) He instructed the Sahabas to sneak out secretly under the cover of darkness to Madina.

(ii) Instnicted the Sahabas to leave in small groups so as not to be noticed.

(iii) Instnicted Ali to sleep in his bed so as to confuse the Quraish and surrender back peoples’ treasures.

(iv) Hired a person who was well versed with the desert to guide him and Abubakar to Madina.

(v) Prepared Asma the daughter of Abubakar to be bringing them food while in the cave.

(vi) Sent a spy Abdullahi to bring him news of the Quraish.

(vii) Made plans to hide in a cave for three days so as to trick the Quraish which worked well for him.

(viii) Planned well on the routes to take, distance to be covered by day before embarking on his journey.

(ix) Signed the covenant of aqabah with the Yathribites who pledged to protect him against the Quraish.

(x) The Prophet recited a dua.

gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 13:07

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