(i) A Muslim should dedicate his time and energy to the course of Islam.
(ii) Bad health and old age should not prevent one from serving Allah, he dedicated his Whole life to serving Allah even when old and sick.
(iii) In order for Muslims to truly Worship Allah, they have to obey him and eradicate innovations. He Wrote a book called Bidaa.
(iv) With sincerity, Allah will bless one’s work to benefit humanity, he was able to translate the Quran into Kiswahili which benefited many Muslims, and is still in use up to date.
(v) Muslims should dedicate their lives in the propagation of Islam. Sheikh Abdallah Farsy visited all parts of East Africa for the purpose of Daawa.
(vi) The Way to reforms is through education, he taught and authored rrmny books, e.g. “Utukufu wa swala na namna ya kuisali” etc. He spent most of his life as a teacher.
(vii) offering service to Islam is not restricted to one’s place of birth. He served as a chief Kadhi of Kenya even though he was a Zanzibari by origin.
(viii) Muslims should be firm, steadfast and courageous in promotion of Islamic affairs. He fought Bidaa practices and even Wrote a book on the same.
(ix) Muslims should support Women education bearing in mind that his first Quran teacher was a Muslim female educationist, Fatma Hamid Said.
(x) Muslims should seek both Islamic and secular education. Sheikh Earsy undertook the study of religion from many Muslim Ulamas and also went upto primary teacher’s training college.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 13:09
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