How a Muslim youth can use the social media to promote good and forbid evil.
(i) use the social media i.e. twitter, facebook, blog, skype to post relevant articlesl lectures especially those that are directed to the youth.
(ii) follow up what is posted by others and objectively support the good and criticise what is evil.
(iii) share with others information that promotes good and ignore information that promotes evil.
(iv) objectively enrich debates and discussions that serve the youth positively.
?nancially and morally support like-minded people and media.
(v) boycott media that promotes evil e.g. pornography, homosexuality, etc.
(vi) establish a network of like-minded Muslim youth to exchange ideas and advice other on Islamic issues.
(vii)donate through the social media for charitable courses e.g. one shilling foundation, famine.
(viii)use the social media to draw the attention of Muslims towards issues that threaten Islam and Muslims.
gregorymasila answered the question on February 28, 2018 at 13:11
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