The most common is the worship of material things which many people fall victim to. The society has been corrupted by greed and the need for property at times becomes a terrible addiction.This leads to people forgetting the ways of Christ and turning to unjust enrichment. Churches have turned the call for offering gifts to God as a way for religious leaders to get rich. The vice has even turn to charitable efforts where donations end up in the wrong people's pockets. Churches have become cults in the form of people forgetting the purpose of church and in turn worship the individual. A good example is the 'Panda Mbegu' saga. He enriched himself through his ministry and at the moments he still has followers. Another saga was the Paul Magu story where his three children disappeared and died under mysterious circumstances. After realisation of a cult involvement in the deaths Mr Magu's lawyer denounced his profession and joined the cult too.
Political leaders in Kenya today are given a godlike appreciation where Kenyans are seen to follow their directions even if its against morality. The leaders break the law and instigate violence without any condemnation from the society. In return the leaders become enemies of social justice and steal from the Kenyan civilian.
Religious extremist are found in all religions but the most common in Kenya are the Al Shabab. The terrorist group advocate for violence and the killing of innocent lives. They claim to do this acts of terror in the name of God and yet their actions always leave the country moaning. The extremist groups are recruiting members everyday irregardless of the havoc and negativity brought by then in the name of religion.
Witchcraft is a vice that was has been there since the time of our ancestors to date. Its an African form of devil worshiping where evil witches and wizards summon the help of evil spirits and dark charms. Kenyans turn to local witches to get assistance in businesses and and their daily lives. The witches enrich themselves with lies and praying to false gods.
Kenya is rampant with addiction cases where people value the use of drugs and alcohol instead of believing in the One true God.
AngelineMarie answered the question on March 3, 2018 at 07:06
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