Jesus tells this parable of the great feast in order to reveal God's attitude towards humanity.Jesus begins by saying that someone gave a great dinner and invited many.
The host had his servant tell everyone invited that the feast was ready. However, all the invited guests made excuses for why they could not come.
Upon hearing this information, the host was very upset and told his servant to go out into the streets and lanes of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame. When the servant returned, the host told the servant,to go out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that his house may be filled.
The host ended by saying that all those who were invited would not taste his dinner.
The Meaning of the Parable of the Great Feast is that Jesus was revealing God's attitude towards the Israelites, as well as the rest of the world.
God is the host. The originally invited guests are the Israelites, since it is them that God has historically invited to have a relationship with him through his covenant. Many of the invited Israelites refused to obey God's covenant, such as by worshiping false gods thus refusing his invitation.
Therefore, God has invited everyone and anyone who will accept his invitation, as seen by their actions to keep his covenant.
Outline the parable of the Great Feast.
i) A man gave a feast and invited many guests.
ii) When it was time, he sent his servants for quests.
iii) The invited gave excuses and did not come.
iv) One said he had bought a field & must attend to it.
v) Another said he bought oxen and had to try them out in the field.
vi) One had just married and could not leave his new bride.
vii) The servants reported these to their master.
viii) The master sent them to the streets to bring the poor/ lame / blind / cripples to the feast.
ix) The master said that non of the invited guests would taste his dinner.
MakenaKoome1 answered the question on March 3, 2018 at 10:29
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