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Describe the process that was followed for lewanika to collaborate


Describe the process that was followed for lewanika to collaborate



Lewanika's collaboration began with the arrival of Frederick Stanley Arnot who traveled through the Kalahari desert. The missionary impacted the live of Lewanika for 18 months by teaching his children how to read and write. Arnot was present when Lewanika received a request to join the Ndembele to resist the White man's assimilation. the missionary showed Lewanika the importance of the British in therms of the economy and security of his people. Lewanika received alot of rebellion for his collaboration form Africans around him in Bulozi around 1884. The monarch Lewanika faced the threat of The Ndembele thus he allowed the British to mine, trade and build a railway around his territory as long as they provided protection to his people. In addition he would receive an annual salary, infrastructural development of his region and building of schools. the British Southern Africa Company allowed him to be the leader of the Northern Rhodesia.
AngelineMarie answered the question on March 6, 2018 at 12:53

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