Factors that affect normal foetal development.


Factors that affect normal foetal development.



- Sexually transmitted infection e.g. gonorrhoea and syphilis which can affect the eyes and can lead to blindness if not treated.
- HIV/Aids can be passed to the baby if care is not taken during delivery.
- Alcohol and smoking may cause the baby to be underweight at birth.
- Drugs may cause underweight and miscarriage and should only be taken under the doctor’s instructions.
- Any unpleasant experience i.e. Trauma can cause distress, anxiety or even miscarriage.
- If germen measles occur during the first three months of pregnancy, it may deform the foetus.
- If the nutritional needs are not met, the baby may become mentally and physically retarded.

Musyoxx answered the question on March 1, 2018 at 17:35

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