a) Place the extract in its immediate context
The twins had been born. The writer takes the reader though their differences, Becky all soft, cuddly and pretty and just plain irresistible, People wanted to touch her, to hold her and she was quite
accommodating unlike Vera.
The father would tell her he didn’t know but she should ask herself. She would go something like-mother, father wants to know why your stomach is so big.
b) Characterize Vera according to the extract.
- Protective /loyal /loving - .............. and from an early age her sister was the object of her love and protection.
- Brave /fearless —she was a fearless ?ghter.
- Emotional - her tears were ready to fall at the slightest protection.
- Talkative - Vera constant chatter’
c) Identify and illustrate two features of style employed in the extract.
- Humour - was screaming at the top of her lungs ............. the boy remained mute and Shocked…. He only remembered to snivel a little when they pulled ..............
- Dialogue -“How can you allow ................”
d) What are some of the themes brought out in the extract‘?
- Moved to a bigger house.
- Traditions - naming of the boy Aoro according to season.
- Family conflict- mother in law quarrelling.
- Fight for independence/effects of Mau Mau ?ghters.
- Education - her old teaching job ................
- Insecurity - it was much safer .....................
e) In a paragraph of not more than 20 words give the effects of war as seen in the extract
- Death
- Maiming
- Families separate.
- Translocation of people/creation of refugee camps
- Animosity.
- Suffering -people get shot.
f) Mark is said to have been lonely. This loneliness leads to something. Brie?y say what that happens.
- He began to spend a lot of time drinking with his friends.
- He got involved with a girl.
- She declared herself pregnant.
- That brought him to senses. He chased her away and decided to go see his family.
Musyoxx answered the question on March 1, 2018 at 18:07
- Society will always use its culture as a weapon against women”. Using illustrations from Witi Ihimaera’s, The Whale Rider, Write an essay to support this...(Solved)
Society will always use its culture as a weapon against women”. Using illustrations from Witi Ihimaera’s, The Whale Rider, Write an essay to support this statement.
Date posted: March 1, 2018. Answers (1)
- Drawing illustrations from what Grusha goes through in order to save and adopt Michael, write an essay on the challenges of being a good person...(Solved)
Drawing illustrations from what Grusha goes through in order to save and adopt Michael, write an essay on the challenges of being a good person in a rotten society.
Date posted: March 1, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story ‘WINDOW SEAT’ by Benjamin Branoff.(Solved)
Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story ‘WINDOW SEAT’ by Benjamin Branoff.
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the traits of Ali Mahfouz as brought out in this story ALMOST HOME by Barry McKinley.(Solved)
Discuss the traits of Ali Mahfouz as brought out in this story ALMOST HOME by Barry McKinley.
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- 'Wealth and money cannot afford happiness' citing evidence from the Pearl by John Steinbeck, Discuss(Solved)
'Wealth and money cannot afford happiness' citing evidence from the Pearl by John Steinbeck, Discuss.
John Steinbeck: The Pearl
Wealth and money cannot afford happiness. With illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, validate this statement.
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- The play ‘Betrayal in the City’ by F. Imbuga focuses on the problems facing a post-independence developing nation. Discuss any four of such problems using...(Solved)
The play ‘Betrayal in the City’ by F. Imbuga focuses on the problems facing a post-independence developing nation. Discuss any four of such problems using appropriate examples from the play.
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- Discuss the role of family in the novel the River and the Source(Solved)
Discuss the role of family in the novel the River and the Source
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- ‘Bitterness breeds courage and opportunities to some but breeds vipers to others.’ Support this using The River and the Source (Solved)
‘Bitterness breeds courage and opportunities to some but breeds vipers to others.’ Support this using The River and the Source
Date posted: February 28, 2018. Answers (1)
- "The gap between the rich and poor can be controlled through the use of social justice."Write an essay in support of this proposition drawing illustrations...(Solved)
"The gap between the rich and poor can be controlled through the use of social justice."Write an essay in support of this proposition drawing illustrations from Bertolt Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Date posted: February 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Read the Oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Hunger makes a person climb up to the ceiling
And hold on to the rafters
Read the Oral poem below and then answer the questions that follow.
Hunger makes a person climb up to the ceiling
And hold on to the rafters
It makes a person lie down.
But not feel at rest.
It makes a person lie down
And count the rafters.
When the Moslem is not hungry, he says:
“We are forbidden to eat monkey.”
When Ibrahim is hungry, he eats baboon!
When hunger beats the woman in the Koinange,
She will run out into the street in daytime.
One who is hungry does not care for taboos
One who is hungry does not care for death
One who is hungry will take
Out of the sacrifice money
Hunger will open it.
“I Have filled my belly yesterday”
Does bite with hunger.
We have to sacrifice daily to it.
Date posted: February 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- The River and the Source: Margaret A. OgolaRead the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.“Hey, was an army passing this way, Mother?” asked...(Solved)
The River and the Source: Margaret A. Ogola
Read the excerpt below and answer the questions that follow.
“Hey, was an army passing this way, Mother?” asked Aoro.
“It is not every day my grandchildren – all of them, come to see me; and I am a farmer; I have plenty of food – fresh from the garden, not like that frozen tasteless stuff you people eat in the city.”
“Agreed! Agreed!” answered her eldest son waving a juicy looking drumstick in the air. She noticed with motherly approval that he had started to fill out and his eyes were happy and settled. For a while, she had feared that this particular son was headed for trouble. But that had been long ago in his boyhood. She had been mistaken – happy mistake. She noted with concern, however, that Wandia seemed to have little to say. Something was a miss.
After the meal the children ran out to chase whatever farm animals they could find and to exercise their city cramped limbs. Aoro and Tony decided to take a walk together. Opiyo and his twin went to admire a herd of high breed cattle. Mark sat on the veranda admiring his scampering many hued grandchildren and Elizabeth and Wandia went to the kitchen – the only place where a woman can expect not to be disturbed for a while, especially when all are well fed.
“Yes tell me. Is he giving you a hard time or something?” Elizabeth asked and Wandia looked at her startled.
“No! No! I mean – gosh – am I so obvious?”
“ I can read you like a book, my girl.”
“I have a scholarship to study in America for a year.”
“And he is against it?”
“No! He is not. In fact he is all for it. But how can I leave him with five children?”
“Don’t worry about him. You see if you don’t go, it is something that will haunt you – a lost chance is very hard to live with. We will all chip in to give him a hand with the children. Mary is also there in Nairobi with absolutely no responsibility whatsoever. They will be OK. Just organize your affairs and go do what you have to do.
“Oh, thank you so much! Now I can tell the good news to my own family. I didn’t want to have to disappoint them.” The two women looked at each other with understanding. The leaving and cleaving was always more difficult for a woman who has to tear herself from so much, and give so much – which almost always went unnoticed.
The children, who apparently have some very powerful grinders in their tummies started rushing back into the house to ask for this, that or the other to eat and their solitude was broken as they attended to their needs, but Wandia was now at peace.
Father Tony and Aoro were reminiscing, about the escapades of their boyhood and each memory was punctuated by great gales of laughter. Eventually they got around to more serious talk.
“Great girl you have there.” Observed Tony.
“Yes. I am a lucky man. She does a wonderful job with the kids – Becky’s as well as ours. How about you Tony?
How’s the priesthood? Are you happy?”
“Absolutely. It is my life and it fulfills me completely. You know the priesthood is quiet like medicine.
Date posted: February 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- Communication technology has given impetus to effective communication inspite of various complications that it has posed.Explain this statement(Solved)
Communication technology has given impetus to effective communication inspite of various complications that it has posed. Explain this statement
Date posted: February 27, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Betrayal in the City” Francis Imbuga.
“When the Madness of the entire nation disturbs a solitary mind, it is not enough to say the man is...(Solved)
“Betrayal in the City” Francis Imbuga.
“When the Madness of the entire nation disturbs a solitary mind, it is not enough to say the man is mad”. Basing your answer on Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City show the validity of this statement.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Caucasian chalk Circle – Berllt Bretch
For one to succeed in his/her Endeavors, one has to take risks. Using Caucasian Chalk Circle for your illustrations, write...(Solved)
Caucasian chalk Circle – Berllt Bretch
For one to succeed in his/her Endeavors, one has to take risks. Using Caucasian Chalk Circle for your illustrations, write an essay to show the validity of this statement
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- THE NOVEL: Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider.
“Witi Ihemera’s, The Whale Rider is an articulation of the traditions of the Maori people,”
Write an essay showing...(Solved)
THE NOVEL: Witi Ihimaera, The Whale Rider.
“Witi Ihemera’s, The Whale Rider is an articulation of the traditions of the Maori people,”
Write an essay showing the validity of this statement.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- THE DRAMA: Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City
“Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that bedevil most of the characters in the play.” Discuss. (Solved)
THE DRAMA: Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City
“Mulili is the mastermind of the atrocities that bedevil most of the characters in the play.” Discuss.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Emilia Illieva and Waveney Olembo, When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories.
It takes great determination and persistence for children to achieve their dreams and...(Solved)
Emilia Illieva and Waveney Olembo, When the Sun Goes Down and Other Stories.
It takes great determination and persistence for children to achieve their dreams and especially so when the parents have fears about their choices. Using the story Leaving by Moyez. G. Vassanji, write an essay to show the relevance of this statement.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City
Injustice propagated by leaders in Kafira has led to the suffering of the citizens. Discuss this statement basing...(Solved)
Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City
Injustice propagated by leaders in Kafira has led to the suffering of the citizens. Discuss this statement basing your illustrations on the play Betrayal in the City.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- Ilieva Emilia and WaveneyOlembo(Ed).When the Sun Goes Down and Other storiesfrom Africa and Beyond.
‘Africans have to grapple with many challenges in the post-apartheid period. Using...(Solved)
Ilieva Emilia and WaveneyOlembo(Ed).When the Sun Goes Down and Other storiesfrom Africa and Beyond.
‘Africans have to grapple with many challenges in the post-apartheid period. Using Rayda Jacob’s story, The Guilt, illustrate the truth of this statement.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)
- The Whale Rider – WitiIhimaera
“Determination is key to success” Using illustrations from WitiIhimaera’s novel The Whale Rider, write an essay showing how Nani Flowers...(Solved)
The Whale Rider – WitiIhimaera
“Determination is key to success” Using illustrations from WitiIhimaera’s novel The Whale Rider, write an essay showing how Nani Flowers contributes to Kahu’s success.
Date posted: February 22, 2018. Answers (1)